So on a whim I ordered one of those dog breed DNA test kits that they advertize in skymall catalogs. It's the sort of thing that seems like a really stupid waste of money if you have never had a dog who is a mutt, but for those that do it seems like the perfect solution for the nagging curiosity of wondering "what the hell type of dog is this?" I adopted my dog October last year from the animal Shelter, and the only information they has was that she was a Chow Chow mix (which is obvious from looking at her) and that she was 2 years old (even that may be an estimate). I just got the results back today. and here they are:
37-64% Chow Chow
20-36% Cocker Spaniel
10-19% Yorkshire Terrier
So, looks like October's parents were probably a purebreed Chow and a Cocker Spaniel/Yorkie mix. I'm picturing a scene like something out of Lady and the Tramp, but with less spaghetti and more humping.

37-64% Chow Chow
20-36% Cocker Spaniel
10-19% Yorkshire Terrier
So, looks like October's parents were probably a purebreed Chow and a Cocker Spaniel/Yorkie mix. I'm picturing a scene like something out of Lady and the Tramp, but with less spaghetti and more humping.

And I have a mutt and am thinking of getting this kit.