So on a whim I ordered one of those dog breed DNA test kits that they advertize in skymall catalogs. It's the sort of thing that seems like a really stupid waste of money if you have never had a dog who is a mutt, but for those that do it seems like the perfect solution for the nagging curiosity of wondering "what the hell...
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I should know better, but I just watched 'Almighty Thor' on the SyFy channel, which is that network's attempt to ride on the coattails of the new Thor movie that opened in theaters yesterday. I would call it a steaming pile of monkey shit, but no monkey would ever eat the sort of filth that would be required to produce a turd as stinky as...
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I'm not much for blogging, but I hate empty spaces, so I have to put something here. I'm definitely not as far into the counter culture as most of the people here, and will probably just post things to amuse myself. I first heard of SG back in the Pleistocene era of the internet on, which I had stumbled into through a link from...
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Dude. Full Throttle rocked. 

Kudos to you for recognizing it
"Not with my box of bunnies."

"Not with my box of bunnies."
And I have a mutt and am thinking of getting this kit.