It's the "looking to misinterpret" that gets me. If they honestly try, but misinterpret, that's not so bad, but when they go looking for ways to misinterpret... that's just wrong. Been there... feel the same pain (or something fairly similar, anyway... ).
I think maybe I misinterpreted you, or you interpreted me, or something. At any rate, I certainly have dealt with/argued with people who said they said something, but I remember them saying something else... and I certainly agree that if one party doesn't want to communicate, all the effort in the world will not lead to a mutually respected and respectable understanding. Ultimately, I think communication is only possible if there is some kind of shared understanding... some meeting of minds, however minimal. If there is no will to create such understanding, then there is no hope whatsoever. If there is a will, then (sometimes, at least) a way is found... if maybe not the best way or the only way. At any rate, SG seems to provide *some* way, so even if communication isn't always the best, at least it's *some* communication!
Or something... Anyway, cheers, and SG hugs, and all that... - Zorke
It's the "looking to misinterpret" that gets me. If they honestly try, but misinterpret, that's not so bad, but when they go looking for ways to misinterpret... that's just wrong. Been there... feel the same pain (or something fairly similar, anyway...
Or something... Anyway, cheers, and SG hugs, and all that... - Zorke