Do you know what drives me absolutely MAD? Doing production graphics work in Windows. Why? Because I want to open files in one folder and save them into another. Or 'save as" the same file into the same folder with a different name as a different version. I have no clue how Windows is set up to decide what location it wants to point me to, it almost seems to decide completely randomly, so that every time I save one of hundreds of files in this way I have to navigate to the right saving folder, and then when I open the next file on the list I have to renavigate back to my original list of files, that are in the same folder as the last file I opened, so you would think it would remember that!
It's ridiculous! It's tedious and annoying and makes everything more difficult, and for what good reason?
I'm pretty sure Apple has it right here. Remembers where you last saved, has your personalized list of folders on the left and a dropdown list of frequently used locations above instead of the useless left-column of inconsequential directories. Remembers where you last opened as well.
Another annoying thing: why is it when I save for web as a gif, it will only show me other gifs in the folder, so when I navigate all the way there finally I can't see the name of the jpg image I am trying to replace?
I detest this ridiculous operating system and wish my boss was daring enough to give apple a shot, but he thinks it's great that parts are so cheap, only because he is constantly needing to replace them which he wouldn't need to do if he had a few good g5s. I am on my 3rd box in 2 months! its kind of hard to get a good work flow going when you are always logging in with someone else's username and learning to adapt to their setups, as well as trying to download and install the latest version of flash and illustrator so you can stop saving source files to be backwards compatible and/or hoping that when the old version you're currently using adapts the file saved as the new version, you won't mess up anything.
I used to like working. Windows ruined my job.
It's ridiculous! It's tedious and annoying and makes everything more difficult, and for what good reason?
I'm pretty sure Apple has it right here. Remembers where you last saved, has your personalized list of folders on the left and a dropdown list of frequently used locations above instead of the useless left-column of inconsequential directories. Remembers where you last opened as well.
Another annoying thing: why is it when I save for web as a gif, it will only show me other gifs in the folder, so when I navigate all the way there finally I can't see the name of the jpg image I am trying to replace?
I detest this ridiculous operating system and wish my boss was daring enough to give apple a shot, but he thinks it's great that parts are so cheap, only because he is constantly needing to replace them which he wouldn't need to do if he had a few good g5s. I am on my 3rd box in 2 months! its kind of hard to get a good work flow going when you are always logging in with someone else's username and learning to adapt to their setups, as well as trying to download and install the latest version of flash and illustrator so you can stop saving source files to be backwards compatible and/or hoping that when the old version you're currently using adapts the file saved as the new version, you won't mess up anything.
I used to like working. Windows ruined my job.

you just described my last job (minus shady business practices)... working in windows makes me and jesus weep.
Every program in CS2 will remember paths for filenames if the settings are right. (it might be default). autodesk does this shit too for all its little programs (3ds, maya, etc) macs are beautiful... but pc's are cheap. and when setup correctly, they run like the wind.