Letters to people that are bringing me down
Last night, while drinking, I bitched way too much about how most people I know suck. Now I am going to do it here where all of them can see - not that they read my journal anyway.
friend #1 - way to get a girlfriend and drop off the map. I call and call, trying to get together... and when do I finally hear from you? when you call my boyfriend trying to find pharmies. boo. Oh and it's really cute that you don't have your own phone anymore so I have to have your girlfriend relay all my messages.
friend #2 - you're not ready to be friends and I can see that. Give me a call when you're ready to actively deal with your life, and make some big changes.
friend #3 - you "borrowed" the coolest and most expensive of my belongings and then moved far away. every 3-4 months I get a cheap email about how you miss me, then you never respond when I write back trying to catch up.
friend #4 - the only time you are my friend is when you are drinking in the same bar as me. And your life revolves around drinking in that bar. That bums me out. I try to get you to do something else with me, I even bought art supplies because you showed interest but didn't have the money. Maybe we're not friends, in which case its sad that I keep trying to hang out with you.
friend #5 - I guess my hair isn't hip enough and my clothes aren't expensive enough for us to be seen together. blech!
friend #6-25 - Thanks for ignoring all my text messages and phone calls. Thanks for never getting back to me about anything. It's like talking to a brick.
I try try try not to be a negative person, but people have really been getting to me lately. The exception has become the norm and I'm no longer holding out hope of having fulfilling relationships with people who clearly must think I am lame. I guess the only thing left to do is hope for change, or confront people hoping that someone will have the balls to tell me about the spinach in my teeth. I'm ready to hear it, people! If I'm a terrible friend, if you really can't forgive my kitten-kicking habit or if you want me to stop crapping my pants in public, let me know! Because clearly I am doing something wrong or I wouldn't be finding a need to sever most of my relationships.
Here are tips, for those of you that have the excuse "I just don't know how to treat anyone with respect because I was tied to a pole in the backyard for the first 16 years of my life and never learned common courtesy." I don't want anyone to be unprepared.
1. When you make plans, keep them. Don't be late, don't think that if it's a casual date like going to the gym that I won't notice if you shut your cell phone off and never call back.
2. If you ARE going to flake on me, call me as soon as you figure that out. I am very forgiving when I can see that a person at least feels like they owe me a crappy excuse. I'll even give the benefit of the doubt. If you already flaked on me, call to tell me what happened and please apologize for being rude.
3. You should have learned this one in pre-school : Take turns. If I invite you to the zoo and you can't come, please consider me when you go to the park. If I finance your bar adventure when you're broke, please offer to do the same for me when you're back in the black.
I think more people doing those 3 things would drastically cut down on the number of people in the world that I wouldn't mind pushing in front of a bus.
Wow what a bitchfest I am having here. While I'm at it, I think it sucks that my downstairs roommates haven't bought toilet paper for their bathroom in 2 months, and I just now noticed that they are coming upstairs to use mine. And my other roommate didn't take out the garbage like I asked (one thing! I ask him to do one thing!) so we missed the garbage truck.
I am definitely PMSing, but just because I'm extra cranky today doesn't mean that everyone doesn't still suck. I am just not as good at putting up with it right now. Are all people like this? What is the deal? Bad luck? Bad friends? Am I just too picky?
ok I really got that out of my system.
now for the good stuff: I do love everyone. it's probably that I need to be more forthright about it in the first place when they disappoint me, so they don't get the idea that i'm fine with being walked on.
Last night, while drinking, I bitched way too much about how most people I know suck. Now I am going to do it here where all of them can see - not that they read my journal anyway.
friend #1 - way to get a girlfriend and drop off the map. I call and call, trying to get together... and when do I finally hear from you? when you call my boyfriend trying to find pharmies. boo. Oh and it's really cute that you don't have your own phone anymore so I have to have your girlfriend relay all my messages.
friend #2 - you're not ready to be friends and I can see that. Give me a call when you're ready to actively deal with your life, and make some big changes.
friend #3 - you "borrowed" the coolest and most expensive of my belongings and then moved far away. every 3-4 months I get a cheap email about how you miss me, then you never respond when I write back trying to catch up.
friend #4 - the only time you are my friend is when you are drinking in the same bar as me. And your life revolves around drinking in that bar. That bums me out. I try to get you to do something else with me, I even bought art supplies because you showed interest but didn't have the money. Maybe we're not friends, in which case its sad that I keep trying to hang out with you.
friend #5 - I guess my hair isn't hip enough and my clothes aren't expensive enough for us to be seen together. blech!
friend #6-25 - Thanks for ignoring all my text messages and phone calls. Thanks for never getting back to me about anything. It's like talking to a brick.
I try try try not to be a negative person, but people have really been getting to me lately. The exception has become the norm and I'm no longer holding out hope of having fulfilling relationships with people who clearly must think I am lame. I guess the only thing left to do is hope for change, or confront people hoping that someone will have the balls to tell me about the spinach in my teeth. I'm ready to hear it, people! If I'm a terrible friend, if you really can't forgive my kitten-kicking habit or if you want me to stop crapping my pants in public, let me know! Because clearly I am doing something wrong or I wouldn't be finding a need to sever most of my relationships.
Here are tips, for those of you that have the excuse "I just don't know how to treat anyone with respect because I was tied to a pole in the backyard for the first 16 years of my life and never learned common courtesy." I don't want anyone to be unprepared.
1. When you make plans, keep them. Don't be late, don't think that if it's a casual date like going to the gym that I won't notice if you shut your cell phone off and never call back.
2. If you ARE going to flake on me, call me as soon as you figure that out. I am very forgiving when I can see that a person at least feels like they owe me a crappy excuse. I'll even give the benefit of the doubt. If you already flaked on me, call to tell me what happened and please apologize for being rude.
3. You should have learned this one in pre-school : Take turns. If I invite you to the zoo and you can't come, please consider me when you go to the park. If I finance your bar adventure when you're broke, please offer to do the same for me when you're back in the black.
I think more people doing those 3 things would drastically cut down on the number of people in the world that I wouldn't mind pushing in front of a bus.
Wow what a bitchfest I am having here. While I'm at it, I think it sucks that my downstairs roommates haven't bought toilet paper for their bathroom in 2 months, and I just now noticed that they are coming upstairs to use mine. And my other roommate didn't take out the garbage like I asked (one thing! I ask him to do one thing!) so we missed the garbage truck.
I am definitely PMSing, but just because I'm extra cranky today doesn't mean that everyone doesn't still suck. I am just not as good at putting up with it right now. Are all people like this? What is the deal? Bad luck? Bad friends? Am I just too picky?
ok I really got that out of my system.
now for the good stuff: I do love everyone. it's probably that I need to be more forthright about it in the first place when they disappoint me, so they don't get the idea that i'm fine with being walked on.
be my friend.
seeing how all of these things bother you, i'll bet you make a great friend. more people need to be this considerate and empathetic toward others. and i'm sure the people around you who recognize this really value and appreciate your friendship. just a guess. oh, and hi by the way. i like your pictures, and now i like your journal, too.