I think cute lesbians should be registered on some website by
neighborhood. I saw the most adorable couple at QFC and I was
naturally too shy to even make eye contact.
This is the spider my friend Tyler was torturing by throwing
cigarette butts into his web. But the spider made quick work of
unhitching them and tossing them out. He was a huge ol boy.
anywhoo, i can't wait until christine gets home so we can get silly.
have a good night.

neighborhood. I saw the most adorable couple at QFC and I was
naturally too shy to even make eye contact.

This is the spider my friend Tyler was torturing by throwing
cigarette butts into his web. But the spider made quick work of
unhitching them and tossing them out. He was a huge ol boy.
anywhoo, i can't wait until christine gets home so we can get silly.
have a good night.

But I don't even know where you live!
oh my god grose. in teh first picture he looks HUGE but in the last one he's not even as big as teh cigarette butt. there was a spider in my room the other day that was so big my cat hissed at it. that's my story. good luck finding a job.