I forgot a few in my last journal.
I want a job so bad but I'm being far too picky, which has always been my big problem. Once my computer shows up and the internet comes on I'll be okay again doing the freelance thing and keeping an eye out. I am so antsy I can hardly bear it... scanning craigslist constantly from the treo, cleaning and recleaning the kitchen.
Unfortunately we don't have any furniture yet. I'm being far too picky in that regard also, so we eat our meals cross-legged in the kitchen since i'm too broke to afford the *stuff* i really want. And i'm not exactly sure what i even want. My friend christian said to decorate like grandma's house, and embrace the weird floral pink thing. Not so sure about that.
Funny, i used to have more furniture than i knew what to do with. Moving from state to state sucks.
I did manage to get a new bed, thankfully. By far the most comfortable bed i've ever owned.
I love my new house and roommates!
If anyone-artists, photographers, wannabees- can help me fill my blank walls with some art or photos, i would be most appreciative. there's a lot of wacky wallpaper that needs to be covered. email me if you can help!

I want a job so bad but I'm being far too picky, which has always been my big problem. Once my computer shows up and the internet comes on I'll be okay again doing the freelance thing and keeping an eye out. I am so antsy I can hardly bear it... scanning craigslist constantly from the treo, cleaning and recleaning the kitchen.
Unfortunately we don't have any furniture yet. I'm being far too picky in that regard also, so we eat our meals cross-legged in the kitchen since i'm too broke to afford the *stuff* i really want. And i'm not exactly sure what i even want. My friend christian said to decorate like grandma's house, and embrace the weird floral pink thing. Not so sure about that.
Funny, i used to have more furniture than i knew what to do with. Moving from state to state sucks.
I did manage to get a new bed, thankfully. By far the most comfortable bed i've ever owned.
I love my new house and roommates!
If anyone-artists, photographers, wannabees- can help me fill my blank walls with some art or photos, i would be most appreciative. there's a lot of wacky wallpaper that needs to be covered. email me if you can help!

Oh... nice wallpaper!

I'd send you a print, only it'd get messed up in the Airmail. I can send you a big JPEG if you like... ?