I came across the video of Kelly Clarkson drunk at that metal skool concert thing. Oh man. She is fucking adorable. And it kind of made me think about all the shit getting talked on her. And how she was passed over as a victoria secret pink model for Ashlee Simpson. Little miss too much plastic surgery for her own good. I use to think she had some sort of spunky cute thing going but now she just looks like a poor mans version of her already not so cute sister. Blah. That and Kelly is supposedly being told she has to loose weight or she is going to get dropped from another ad she is a part of. So lame. I think she looks better than ever. I'm glad she put on weight. And it's not like it's uber noticeable. I had to literally search for photos where she doesn't look skinny. She is still thin but now she has curves and I think they're beautiful and fuck anyone who doesn't. And that is my little rant for the day.
I concur.
Kelly Clarkson has never been fat. Fucking Hollywood breeds eating disorders. It makes me so angry.
Anyways yeah I don't think my meez look like me either, but their fun to make.