i feel soooo lazy.
i NEED to go out more often, 5 nights a week would be ideal. this stupid apartment is getting to me, must get out of west LA.
my hair is bothering me, must do something to it, quick.
now for the good stuff, i realized that everything just seems better when i stop focusing on what i dont have and start realizing all the great things around me. I have a few great friends, i live in an interesting city, and my bed is really comfortable.
ok i have to get out of this apartment, if anyone wants to help me, i'm up for anything
mmmm just ate a vegetable burrito, but i took all the vegetables out
i love:
bagels in the morning because they remind me of my mom
my nephews and my niece
warm beds
waking up next to someone
my own space
getting comments
you guys seem really cool
:::drunk edit:::: 3:40 am
i want a damn burrito and a cookie
i NEED to go out more often, 5 nights a week would be ideal. this stupid apartment is getting to me, must get out of west LA.
my hair is bothering me, must do something to it, quick.
now for the good stuff, i realized that everything just seems better when i stop focusing on what i dont have and start realizing all the great things around me. I have a few great friends, i live in an interesting city, and my bed is really comfortable.
ok i have to get out of this apartment, if anyone wants to help me, i'm up for anything
mmmm just ate a vegetable burrito, but i took all the vegetables out
i love:
bagels in the morning because they remind me of my mom
my nephews and my niece
warm beds
waking up next to someone
my own space
getting comments
you guys seem really cool
:::drunk edit:::: 3:40 am
i want a damn burrito and a cookie

I would help you out of the apartment, but I'm stuck down south. Sorry.
Yeah you're right about focusing on what you don't have being bad. Gotta be in the moment chica. It's much better that way. Another thing, have fun doing it whether or not you got a choice. Life is shorter than shit and when you look back you don't want to kick yourself for pining away about what you didn't have all those years when you could have flipped it all if you changed your focus a bit. Man, customize your world.