ok now i'll continue...
i have come to fully appreciate public transportation in LA. AND day passes for public transportation.
so my friend alex and i decided to ride the bus all day all around LA. First we met up with her boyfriend in echo park, then he left and we ended up downtown. i love downtown LA, i dont really have a good reason, nontheless i love it.
we started out drinking coffee in front of MOCA, which is a great museum, but we were too broke to pay so that we could actually go inside. then we were walking around the hotels, and we ended up on the roof of the Standard. people started giving us weird looks because we both look young.
i took pictures of the people below and alex asked this lady for a cigarette. we ended up talking to her for about 2 hours. she was the nicest lady, she'd just come out to LA to get away from Brooklyn for awhile. this was her first vacation, and she was contemplating moving out here. she told us she was looking for a job out here so that she could stay, so alex and i give her all the information we knew about where to look, numbers of places we knew, and what neighborhoods she should check out. she bought us drinks, we were two happy underage girls. before we left we bought champagne to have sent up to her room.
as we are leaving we decided to take pictures in the picture booth. This guy comes out of the booth, slighty drunk, and starts telling us how we wants to pay for our $2 pictures because he is so rich and he doesn't have to work but he just does so to stay grounded. i say "lucky you, i cant afford my own rent or to have someone fix my old car, so if you want to give us $2 dollars, go for it" as we are walking away with our pictures, he says "you know girls if i wasnt with my girl i would definitely ask you to come back to my apartment with me, and i guarantee you'd both love it"
later we ended up in hollywood waiting for our friends, but they flaked out. we were ready to go home but the damn bus never came so we ended up smoking on the steps of hollywood high. too many cops in that area.
after we walked around for a few more hours, we decide that we can either go home feeling dejected or we can go dancing. so we ended up dancing at Tempest at midnight. i spent the only money i had on some drink that tasted like old water
we then took the bus to my place got here at 3 am. we drank some beer and were talking until 6.
alex, she's the only girl i've been with. and i know i hurt her in the past so i want to be the best friend i can be for her.
so that was my long friday and my praise to one of my best friends.
i have come to fully appreciate public transportation in LA. AND day passes for public transportation.
so my friend alex and i decided to ride the bus all day all around LA. First we met up with her boyfriend in echo park, then he left and we ended up downtown. i love downtown LA, i dont really have a good reason, nontheless i love it.
we started out drinking coffee in front of MOCA, which is a great museum, but we were too broke to pay so that we could actually go inside. then we were walking around the hotels, and we ended up on the roof of the Standard. people started giving us weird looks because we both look young.
i took pictures of the people below and alex asked this lady for a cigarette. we ended up talking to her for about 2 hours. she was the nicest lady, she'd just come out to LA to get away from Brooklyn for awhile. this was her first vacation, and she was contemplating moving out here. she told us she was looking for a job out here so that she could stay, so alex and i give her all the information we knew about where to look, numbers of places we knew, and what neighborhoods she should check out. she bought us drinks, we were two happy underage girls. before we left we bought champagne to have sent up to her room.
as we are leaving we decided to take pictures in the picture booth. This guy comes out of the booth, slighty drunk, and starts telling us how we wants to pay for our $2 pictures because he is so rich and he doesn't have to work but he just does so to stay grounded. i say "lucky you, i cant afford my own rent or to have someone fix my old car, so if you want to give us $2 dollars, go for it" as we are walking away with our pictures, he says "you know girls if i wasnt with my girl i would definitely ask you to come back to my apartment with me, and i guarantee you'd both love it"

later we ended up in hollywood waiting for our friends, but they flaked out. we were ready to go home but the damn bus never came so we ended up smoking on the steps of hollywood high. too many cops in that area.
after we walked around for a few more hours, we decide that we can either go home feeling dejected or we can go dancing. so we ended up dancing at Tempest at midnight. i spent the only money i had on some drink that tasted like old water

we then took the bus to my place got here at 3 am. we drank some beer and were talking until 6.

so that was my long friday and my praise to one of my best friends.

people talk so much shit about not having a car in la, but the public transportation really is not that bad!
hey you, what can you do ina band? can you sing or lay anything? i bet you can sing!.. and if not, i cant sing and i'm in a band!!so are you and alex an item or pals?