Today I learned to do & was licensed to give keratin protein bond & bead extensions. I got all the equipment too! I put in blonde ones by myself... They look sweet. Hopefully, I can start making some good money! smile
No pics?

BTW... I have no idea what you just said tongueblackeyedbiggrin
Leaving February 9th for Vegas! Staying at Ceasar Palace & attending the 2010 Caper hairshow & after party. Perks of being with Paul Mitchell <3 Holla! While Im there I also want to see Cirque du Soleil & see the little wedding chapel that is in all the movies,! Stokeddddd! smile
I'm so jealous that you're getting to see a show about hair whatever

I'm guessing the afterparty is BYOCI (Bring your own curling iron)

Just kidding. Have an awesome trip.
Dont forget to ask if Ceaser really lives there.
I owe my bank 200 dollars, because I over drew my bank account last week. Ehhhh... I hate my life right now. I hate being in school & always being broke & always worrying about money. Fucking can't wait until August & I'm graduated PMTS & working full time. Wahhhhhh! frown So stressed & exhausted. I have school 9 to 5 tomorrow & then Sunday I'm...
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get overdraft protection fee.
I need a white dress for the 2010 Caper Cocktail party in Vegas next month. Its an all white event & I am having a hard time finding a cute one on short notice, plus its JANUARY, who wears all white?! HEEELP!
Being constantly surrounded by 200 Paul Mitchell girls, all day is getting old. I seriously want to chug vodka when I have to deal with these bitches. Can't wait until August I'm working in a salon! <3 NOW, I remember why all my old best friends were dudes.
"I will heal the ruins left inside you, cause I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here. Your not coming back..."
Spent last night at my friend Colby's apartment in Providence. The boyfriend & his two friends came over to chill. Smoked some weed, drank some beer... all around a good night. I love Colby's roommate Michael... The world needs to have more gorgeous gay men. I got into a accident due to black ice & broke the mirror on the passenger side of my car....
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I need to find someone that looks like me & is over 21... So I can purchase a fake ID!
wow, i think my old one would ALMOST work for you, ( i had short red hair) but its expired, and I dont think you look 33 lol smile
I've drank every night this week, school has been brutal since it is my first week back from the holidays!
Strawberry kiwi blunt, nap, shower & going to the boyfriends later.