My skull is rotting... I've developed a cavity and it hurts!!!!
it's like a giant gaping hole in the back of my mouth...well it's not that big but it's about the size of a medium-large NERD. I thought that when you get that sealant stuff as a kid it is supposed to prevent this type of thing from happening? I brush my teeth I swear people, I've only had one other cavity in my life and it was barely noticeable; took three minutes to fill. This thing hurts when i touch it and when sugar gets in there. I'm scared, what do I do? I have no dental insurance. What if my entire jaw rots? Maybe I have scruvy and all my teeth are falling out? Fuckin mouth rot. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Quick, someone give me a lime.
Hygeine is so time consuming. Life must have been so much more simple for the pirates of yor. Little to no bathing, oral health, shaving, etc. (kinda like europe), leaving a lot of time for pilaging, raping, etc. That's probably why pirates were so proliferate and successful back then (particularily the golden age of piracy). No one was too concerned with taking care of themselves so all that energy had to be directed somewhere. Why not cruise around on a boat in the Caribbean, brethren in tow...a big old gang of salty, skanky, scurvy old sea d-o-double-g's with 5 teeth between the lot of ya'. Someone buy me some dentures

You speak of piracy as a thing of the past. There were actually 3000 pirate attacks last year. A very famous sailor was actually killed by pirates in south america. Maybe you need to look into a career change