Well, I finally have something interesting to tell ya'll about
Our neighbors across the way broke up a few nights ago and the guy moved out of the apartment. Friday night around 9pm, b/f was coming up the stairs to our apartment and the girl across the hall was going down the stairs to leave with her girlfriend. She asked b/f if he knew anyone who would want to take their dog. She couldn't afford to or just didn't want to take care of it without her man....not like they took care of it in the first place. She was never potty trained correctly and they would abuse her when she did her business in the house. Often she would be neglected all day long while they worked and the entire unit could hear her incessant yapping. We have felt sorry for the pup since they got her and have always wanted to rescue her so when we heard she would be giving her up we were extatic! B/F told her right then and there we would take her and came upstairs to tell me. Not more than a moment later he went back outside to see about getting her, but the owner had already left
We left a note on her door and told her to bring the pup over anytime, we'd be up late. She never came home that night. The next day when I woke up she still was not home and then a few hours later a rentway van stopped at her home (I'm assuming to pick up the furniture) and left a note on her door, next to ours. The day goes on and the dog is still yapping away into the night. At 2:30 a.m. when we came back from a show that b/f was working...the notes were still on the door, meaning the owner still had not returned. At this point I was ready to cry because we didn't know if the dog was alright or if she had food or water even. Broward County Law states that one may not leave one's pet unattended for more than 24 hours without food or water without the action being considered animal abuse and punishable. I felt that we had waited long enough for her rightful owner to return and it was time to take matters into our hands. B/F climbed the balcony and luckily, they had not locked their window. He climbed into their home to find the dog cooped up in a carrier just large enough for her to fit into...with empty food and water dishes
he took her out of the carrier, let her out the front door so I could take her across the hall, locked the door and climbed back out and down the balcony. As of right now at 11:44 am...Sunday...the owner still hasn't returned to the home and it makes me really sad to think the pup would still be in there all alone with no food or water had we not saved her.
Her name is Be Be by the way
I'm trying to housebreak her...anyone have any helpfull hints and suggestions...besides patience and love???

Our neighbors across the way broke up a few nights ago and the guy moved out of the apartment. Friday night around 9pm, b/f was coming up the stairs to our apartment and the girl across the hall was going down the stairs to leave with her girlfriend. She asked b/f if he knew anyone who would want to take their dog. She couldn't afford to or just didn't want to take care of it without her man....not like they took care of it in the first place. She was never potty trained correctly and they would abuse her when she did her business in the house. Often she would be neglected all day long while they worked and the entire unit could hear her incessant yapping. We have felt sorry for the pup since they got her and have always wanted to rescue her so when we heard she would be giving her up we were extatic! B/F told her right then and there we would take her and came upstairs to tell me. Not more than a moment later he went back outside to see about getting her, but the owner had already left

We left a note on her door and told her to bring the pup over anytime, we'd be up late. She never came home that night. The next day when I woke up she still was not home and then a few hours later a rentway van stopped at her home (I'm assuming to pick up the furniture) and left a note on her door, next to ours. The day goes on and the dog is still yapping away into the night. At 2:30 a.m. when we came back from a show that b/f was working...the notes were still on the door, meaning the owner still had not returned. At this point I was ready to cry because we didn't know if the dog was alright or if she had food or water even. Broward County Law states that one may not leave one's pet unattended for more than 24 hours without food or water without the action being considered animal abuse and punishable. I felt that we had waited long enough for her rightful owner to return and it was time to take matters into our hands. B/F climbed the balcony and luckily, they had not locked their window. He climbed into their home to find the dog cooped up in a carrier just large enough for her to fit into...with empty food and water dishes

Her name is Be Be by the way

I'm trying to housebreak her...anyone have any helpfull hints and suggestions...besides patience and love???

An animal in your life is something great, you learn responsabilities, you learn to love, you learn to teach, you learn patience, and the best thing is that you get all the animal's love.
About the tips: let her be!!!
Just tell her where to do her stuff.
Take care (both of you)