Since the last time I had a membership, things have definitely changed in my life.
The big change I'll talk about today is my job.
I was a signals intelligence analyst in the Army. I went to school to get my degree in computer science. I spent years working in the mortgage industry. And all that led to my becoming a medical caretaker.
It isn't an easy job. I've had a couple clients over the last decade. One passed after a long struggle with cancer. The other, my long-term client, is my mom. A lot of smaller problems over the years left her in need of assistance. Over the last 2 years, things have progressively gotten worse. Not dangerously so, not really, but things are definitely adding up.
Taking care of a stroke victim with a broken hip is not easy. There are definitely days that I wish I had any other job at all. But my career choices have always been about helping others. If and when the time comes that I'm able to take on more clients again, I will, because it's who I am and what I do.