Eric Blair was born in the fall of 1982 near a lake. In a futile attempt to give his life meaning he co-created a "zine" called Chiaroscuro. He is also a member of the experimental music trio "The Samuel Powers Rhythm 3." He will never die. He personally responds to all fan mail.
Eric Blair has been published in the Highland High School literary journal, the Aquaman letters column, CHIAROSCURO, It Takes All Kinds, Negative Space, Titular, Thieves Jargon...oh, I could go on forever. Basically, anybody who's anybody has published his writing. He also enjoys performing spoken word whenever someone will listen to him. The SPR3 have played one show that was so highly regarded within the artistic community that they are scared of disappointing their fans by performing again. They've also been played on KRCL twice, once live. Their proposed theme for The Best Show on WFMU was played, but rejected. They can be heard nearly twenty-four hours a day on the internet radio station, WTNOY, which can be found by visiting .
Eric Blair has been published in the Highland High School literary journal, the Aquaman letters column, CHIAROSCURO, It Takes All Kinds, Negative Space, Titular, Thieves Jargon...oh, I could go on forever. Basically, anybody who's anybody has published his writing. He also enjoys performing spoken word whenever someone will listen to him. The SPR3 have played one show that was so highly regarded within the artistic community that they are scared of disappointing their fans by performing again. They've also been played on KRCL twice, once live. Their proposed theme for The Best Show on WFMU was played, but rejected. They can be heard nearly twenty-four hours a day on the internet radio station, WTNOY, which can be found by visiting .