Today is the best day ever.
My best friend in the whole entire world is in town from Florida.
Stevie is still my best friend in California
I picked her up last night, and she is sitting at my house, while im here at work.
Weak sauce, but whatev.
Im going to Florida in a week to catch up on some doctor's appointment's and to see my boy.
I FINALLY told my mom about my tattoos yesterday and it was a scene out of the Cingular dropped call commecrcials. I finally got the balls to tell her, and I heard no response and started freaking out. And then, my phone still in my ear, started ringing. When I asked her why she hung up on me, she said she didnt even hear what I had said since the call was dropped!! It was hysterical....AND once she did hear what I said, she didnt even freak, which I expected her to do. She was kind of like "whatever, youre an adult, and you live across the country so I dont have to look at it".
YAY! No more hiding in long sleeves when Im in the 561! woot!
Anyway, Im going to try to speed through the day so I can go home and play with Jessica!!!
My best friend in the whole entire world is in town from Florida.
Stevie is still my best friend in California

I picked her up last night, and she is sitting at my house, while im here at work.

Weak sauce, but whatev.
Im going to Florida in a week to catch up on some doctor's appointment's and to see my boy.
I FINALLY told my mom about my tattoos yesterday and it was a scene out of the Cingular dropped call commecrcials. I finally got the balls to tell her, and I heard no response and started freaking out. And then, my phone still in my ear, started ringing. When I asked her why she hung up on me, she said she didnt even hear what I had said since the call was dropped!! It was hysterical....AND once she did hear what I said, she didnt even freak, which I expected her to do. She was kind of like "whatever, youre an adult, and you live across the country so I dont have to look at it".
YAY! No more hiding in long sleeves when Im in the 561! woot!
Anyway, Im going to try to speed through the day so I can go home and play with Jessica!!!
Have a blast with your BFF...
Isn't it funny how much more chill parents are after you leave the state?