Happy valentines day to everyone. i hope you guys all are nice to your significant others because, dude, it's valentines day and you have to be. I'm being nice to mine, and it's actually not that bad! Also be nice to strangers today and be nice to crazy people if you see any, and be nice to old people especially but most of all I will secretly hate you if you don't...
Be nice to homeless people today!!! (and everyday.) I spent last valentines day on powell street in san francisco, sitting on the sidewalk across from golddust holding a sign that said 'Hobos need love too'. I sat there until aproximately one in the morning trying to make fifty dollars so I could buy my friends a hotel room for the night in the TL. I think I made ten dollars all day. I bought two Jooses and a 1/5 of vodka instead, walked back to merlin alley, curled up in the freezing wind wrapped in my shitty sleeping bag next to some other kids i knew and tried to sleep. my boyfriend was in jail, i was across the country from my supposed family, who werent speaking to me, and overall it SUCKED ASS, OKAY?
I'm not pleading for your sympathy, i'm asking for your empathy for the people out there who are still in that situation. Homelessness is a very tough situation. life on the streets can suck unbearably bad, and it can also be wonderful and enlightening. that depends mainly on your outlook and what you do with your time, ie traveling or activism or other productive endeavours, but also how one is treated by strangers. i can get kicked while i'm sleeping, or spat on, or screamed at because i'm "worthless and filthy and jobless" and i'll have a terrible day. you can give me five bucks and make my fucking day awesome. or give me your leftovers, or let me take a shower at your apartment, and i'll be happy for a while. try putting yourself in other peoples shoes. street people are generally smart, nice, funny, creative, awesome fucking people. except for homebums, they are often crazy and gross, but you should give them your cans and quarters anyways. living on the streets isn't easy, well, certain things make it easier... and even if you know someone is going to buy crack or heroin or beer for fucks sake dude, if you were in that situation you'd probably shoot dope and smoke crack and drink beer too. i know i have done all of those things at different times in my life when i was living on the streets and had nowhere else to turn.
anyways i did not intend to rant about that. but it comes up sometimes when i get nostalgic. i meant to say what my valentines day plans were and wish you guys a great evening with your friends or your significant others. ...or by yourself with a bottle of good silicone lube and a copy of 'art school sluts' (i highly recommend both that movie and all forms of silicone lube, 'wet' especially.)
Me and Joel are going to a movie, probably Coraline, and then we're going to try to get into a restaraunt without a reservation. if we cant go anywhere good we'll go to dennys. last night he went to seven elleven and was back in time for midnight to give me a red rose. that was fuckin cute, i was half awake and really drunk but i still could appreciate the cuteness. <3 he also gave me a double whammy chilli burger. i fuckin love that boy.
alright, err. oh yea. thank you so much to everyone who commented on my set, i wasnt expecting such a positive response, you guys are neat. hey to all my new friends too some of you guys seem really rad and you should talk to me. as far as people adding me goes i'm sorry but i dont accept requests from people who dont have avatars, guys who only post sexual things and pictures of their cocks, or in general people who do't blog. other than that i will add you, but i might take you off if we don't ever communicate. so ask me something, i'm not that unfriendly.
Anyhoo. I wish you all the best. i'm going to go eat several bowls of cereal now and then i'm going to start drinking, and i'm already late so yea, thats it. <3
- Erica
Be nice to homeless people today!!! (and everyday.) I spent last valentines day on powell street in san francisco, sitting on the sidewalk across from golddust holding a sign that said 'Hobos need love too'. I sat there until aproximately one in the morning trying to make fifty dollars so I could buy my friends a hotel room for the night in the TL. I think I made ten dollars all day. I bought two Jooses and a 1/5 of vodka instead, walked back to merlin alley, curled up in the freezing wind wrapped in my shitty sleeping bag next to some other kids i knew and tried to sleep. my boyfriend was in jail, i was across the country from my supposed family, who werent speaking to me, and overall it SUCKED ASS, OKAY?
I'm not pleading for your sympathy, i'm asking for your empathy for the people out there who are still in that situation. Homelessness is a very tough situation. life on the streets can suck unbearably bad, and it can also be wonderful and enlightening. that depends mainly on your outlook and what you do with your time, ie traveling or activism or other productive endeavours, but also how one is treated by strangers. i can get kicked while i'm sleeping, or spat on, or screamed at because i'm "worthless and filthy and jobless" and i'll have a terrible day. you can give me five bucks and make my fucking day awesome. or give me your leftovers, or let me take a shower at your apartment, and i'll be happy for a while. try putting yourself in other peoples shoes. street people are generally smart, nice, funny, creative, awesome fucking people. except for homebums, they are often crazy and gross, but you should give them your cans and quarters anyways. living on the streets isn't easy, well, certain things make it easier... and even if you know someone is going to buy crack or heroin or beer for fucks sake dude, if you were in that situation you'd probably shoot dope and smoke crack and drink beer too. i know i have done all of those things at different times in my life when i was living on the streets and had nowhere else to turn.
anyways i did not intend to rant about that. but it comes up sometimes when i get nostalgic. i meant to say what my valentines day plans were and wish you guys a great evening with your friends or your significant others. ...or by yourself with a bottle of good silicone lube and a copy of 'art school sluts' (i highly recommend both that movie and all forms of silicone lube, 'wet' especially.)
Me and Joel are going to a movie, probably Coraline, and then we're going to try to get into a restaraunt without a reservation. if we cant go anywhere good we'll go to dennys. last night he went to seven elleven and was back in time for midnight to give me a red rose. that was fuckin cute, i was half awake and really drunk but i still could appreciate the cuteness. <3 he also gave me a double whammy chilli burger. i fuckin love that boy.

alright, err. oh yea. thank you so much to everyone who commented on my set, i wasnt expecting such a positive response, you guys are neat. hey to all my new friends too some of you guys seem really rad and you should talk to me. as far as people adding me goes i'm sorry but i dont accept requests from people who dont have avatars, guys who only post sexual things and pictures of their cocks, or in general people who do't blog. other than that i will add you, but i might take you off if we don't ever communicate. so ask me something, i'm not that unfriendly.
Anyhoo. I wish you all the best. i'm going to go eat several bowls of cereal now and then i'm going to start drinking, and i'm already late so yea, thats it. <3
- Erica
Our bottle of Wet is thick and water based, not silicone. We have Art School Sluts, but we mostly watch films that star Suicide Girls.
okay, it's doc johnsons 'drip'
its not bad.
art school sluts was hillarious, which is mainly why i like it. when the dude spooges in the girls eye and she slaps him... classic.