goodness. I am so foolish. I wish I could just pick an idea and stick with it. What I think I am going to do now is wait for my hopefuls set to go up, analyze the response i get from people on that, and decide how to proceed from there.
I have been a fan of SG for years, I remember when the site first started out and was a small, close knit community. I never had a membership until this year but I've always been intruiged by it, and I think I may be allowing other peoples opinions to sway my own, something I don't like to do. I can't exactly judge something I haven't personally experienced, now can I? in my life i've dealt with alot of shit talk and shit talkers and i hate that... err.. shit. i need to grow some ovaries and think for my fucking self, yar.
I have asked the photographer I shot some sets with if I can submit some of them to SG, I think I am going to give it another shot. I don't want to jump the gun if I haven't even been violently rejected yet, thats just what I always expect to happen. devious_photos took some amazing pictures of me and I think I may just have a chance with them. and if *that* doesn't work, then I'll have to seek out other options. but I don't want to quit so early.
Please, i beg of you, don't think that was a ploy for attention, cuz honestly, i couldnt really give a fuck less about attention, heh. I am incredibly indecisive, no to mention a heavy heavy drinker, and i had alot of people breathing down my neck telling me how i should think and feel about this website. fuck that. i'm not going to be a follower in any way on purpose, so I'm just going to see what happens if I try.
I only get to live once, and fuck, the way things are going this could very well be the last generation humans get to live on the earth if we don't stop raping the shit out of our environment so... fuck it. I'm going to make my mistakes and create my successes... so there.
on another note.....
i got the first part of my 1/2 sleeve done yesterday. just the outline and almost all of the shading. i would post a picture but it's not done and i promised watson ( that i wouldnt judge it until it was complete. so y'all have to wait until the 30th when i go in for the rest of the shading and the coloration. it's going to be magnificent, i can tell you that.
I'm doing a psuedo-questionable modeling gig off of craigslist tomorrow and am a little nervous that the dudes gonna be a perv. But I know how to stand up for myself and if he gets out of line, i'll put him the fuck back in line. i've dealt with many a creep in my time.
i biffed on the ice last nite and have a huge fucking bruise on my thigh. it's lovely. great for a photoshoot. *sigh*
anyways, thats about all, sorry for the menstrual adolescent giddiness and being so damn fluid and indecisive. if you want to be my friend, you'll get used to it.
<3 <3 <3
I have been a fan of SG for years, I remember when the site first started out and was a small, close knit community. I never had a membership until this year but I've always been intruiged by it, and I think I may be allowing other peoples opinions to sway my own, something I don't like to do. I can't exactly judge something I haven't personally experienced, now can I? in my life i've dealt with alot of shit talk and shit talkers and i hate that... err.. shit. i need to grow some ovaries and think for my fucking self, yar.
I have asked the photographer I shot some sets with if I can submit some of them to SG, I think I am going to give it another shot. I don't want to jump the gun if I haven't even been violently rejected yet, thats just what I always expect to happen. devious_photos took some amazing pictures of me and I think I may just have a chance with them. and if *that* doesn't work, then I'll have to seek out other options. but I don't want to quit so early.
Please, i beg of you, don't think that was a ploy for attention, cuz honestly, i couldnt really give a fuck less about attention, heh. I am incredibly indecisive, no to mention a heavy heavy drinker, and i had alot of people breathing down my neck telling me how i should think and feel about this website. fuck that. i'm not going to be a follower in any way on purpose, so I'm just going to see what happens if I try.
I only get to live once, and fuck, the way things are going this could very well be the last generation humans get to live on the earth if we don't stop raping the shit out of our environment so... fuck it. I'm going to make my mistakes and create my successes... so there.
on another note.....
i got the first part of my 1/2 sleeve done yesterday. just the outline and almost all of the shading. i would post a picture but it's not done and i promised watson ( that i wouldnt judge it until it was complete. so y'all have to wait until the 30th when i go in for the rest of the shading and the coloration. it's going to be magnificent, i can tell you that.
I'm doing a psuedo-questionable modeling gig off of craigslist tomorrow and am a little nervous that the dudes gonna be a perv. But I know how to stand up for myself and if he gets out of line, i'll put him the fuck back in line. i've dealt with many a creep in my time.
i biffed on the ice last nite and have a huge fucking bruise on my thigh. it's lovely. great for a photoshoot. *sigh*
anyways, thats about all, sorry for the menstrual adolescent giddiness and being so damn fluid and indecisive. if you want to be my friend, you'll get used to it.

<3 <3 <3
Your set might just knock 'em dead.