This is one of the most incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking pieces of spoken word I've heard in a long time! It is truly haunting if you give it a listen...


I'm just trying to understand this
All of this
Because as much as I want
To fucking hate you
After all that's been said
And done
All that I can bring myself to think is
I love you


I want to find you
And feel like I'd
Never been lost

I want to go out for breakfast or brunch
Doesn't matter
All that matters
Is I share a scone
With you

I want to sit underneath
the stars and talk about
how out of every existence
I am blessed to be in yours

I want to go on adventures
And play in the...
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I get it
I let you down
But how awful was I
That my entire existence was wiped from yours
While the fire for you still burns within me

We once were a team
Awesomesauce was our dream
Or maybe it was mine
And I can't let it die
It means too much to me

The days once filled
By Twizzler fuel
We'd go on...
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Am I wrong
To put my faith
in the goodness of others

a faith that is breaking
cracks forming in the foundation
Left with only a twig
holding it up

Am I wrong?
in hoping
that the idea of hope
even still lives

In the slightest amount
like the Spark
inside of our very cells

Al I wrong?
turn on the tv
And there’s another...
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There once was a time
You called me friend
A bond in purest form
That should never end

Years go by
And friends become best
Then best becomes love

But is love where the story


The look in your eyes
That made me feel as if I were the only one
How they sparkled when you laugh
As if their shine contained an entire galaxy

Your laugh and how it crinkled your nose
When we lay in bed laughing at anything
It was like sunshine and happiness
Bottled up in fireworks of pure joy

The softness of your touch
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Beautiful piece

I cant understand
Why it is
My mind seems to be
The odd man out

I don’t understand
Why most find it easy to walk away
When once they fought to stay
For something they believed in

Am I the only one?
With the belief that love
Is worth the fight?

Am I the only one
When all is said and done
Who wants just...
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I am forever searching for you
In every flower
I see your beauty
Laced with the sweet smell of your perfume
In every rainstorm
I see each tear that you have shed
And only wish to catch them
In order that their sacred meaning
Cannot be defiled by the ground
In each star
I see the radiance in your eyes
Forever shining in the extent...
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I love this one, I love every poem but this is very.. heavy and light in the same time!
@medmusa thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me!

Dear 2020,

It’s not very often I address an entire year
But you were different
You were the year my heart stopped

Not in the physical sense you see
But in the way a metaphor
Hits you like a ton of bricks

My heart had been broken before
The pieces picked up and life goes on
Much easier than a heart that’s stopped
I think...
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Beautiful words 💗
Well thank you so much :)