My first entry....what to say, what to say...
To all the people at Suicide Girls..GREAT SITE!! I really dont fit in with most people on this site, (at least asthetically) no tatts, no piercings (not into schrapnel) but its great seeing all the beautiful women! Much love to all the ladies on PSW Group, you show them that beautiful does not always mean skinny! Take...
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To all the people at Suicide Girls..GREAT SITE!! I really dont fit in with most people on this site, (at least asthetically) no tatts, no piercings (not into schrapnel) but its great seeing all the beautiful women! Much love to all the ladies on PSW Group, you show them that beautiful does not always mean skinny! Take...
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long time no hear from hon...hope all is ok with the renovations and you and christie and such. everything here is ok Ray and i agreed to stop using yahoo seeing as how he can't stop talking to other women so that makes things better. anywayz...write me soon!