Well hello journal.
Man, I suck at updating. Anyways, I had today and tommorrow off of work! The infection in my wisdom tooth is way worse then I thought it was.
I finally went to the hosptial this mourning since I was in a lot of pain. Long story short, I'm hooked up to an IV for 48 hours, and doped up on percacets. Eventually, I'll be getting surgery. So yay me!
This kinda sucks, because:
a)photoset it going to be postponed even longer
b) I"m missing work, which hurts the paycheck.
But hey, at least I get to sleep in
And the percacets, oh, those are good
Alright people, I'm sick and cranky and need lots of attention!!!!!!
Man, I suck at updating. Anyways, I had today and tommorrow off of work! The infection in my wisdom tooth is way worse then I thought it was.
I finally went to the hosptial this mourning since I was in a lot of pain. Long story short, I'm hooked up to an IV for 48 hours, and doped up on percacets. Eventually, I'll be getting surgery. So yay me!
This kinda sucks, because:
a)photoset it going to be postponed even longer
b) I"m missing work, which hurts the paycheck.
But hey, at least I get to sleep in

Alright people, I'm sick and cranky and need lots of attention!!!!!!

The things people do for love, I guess - I sorta sympathise with him but ya do stupid stuff you gotta expect only bad results.
Oh well!
BTW, any frozen golf courses around you? I feel like taking a walk??...??