well i went out to some half assed local bar last night with a bunch of people from work, worst most trashy bar ever. within the first hour some of the girls just about got in a fight and my roomate got hit on by a dude ( oh yeah and my roomate is a dude) so we had an odd first impression of this... Read More
Well today really sucks i was supposed to have my laptop back but alas, no laptop agian. I am stuck using this useless computer my roomate has. On a lighter note i mustered up the courage to chop off all of my beautiful hair that i loved so much, it was time, it needed it.
Happy V-Day all. I celebrated by getting my nipple pierced, it hurt like hell cuz it was all scarred from the last few times Ive had them done. I should really just stop taking them out, OH WELL. Anyways yeah happy v-day