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Monday Nov 14, 2005
i've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all -
Monday Oct 31, 2005
i'm worn out mang... diggin and wrasslin pipes is hard work my hand… -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
now I'm a plumber, your shit is my bread and butter -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Right so, rather than working in dead end jobs for the remainder of m… -
Friday Jan 30, 2004
i'm not dead just unemployed -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2003
Audio Tekky Bathory Charlie Rae Scylla Nixion Al… -
Friday Oct 31, 2003
whee halloween pirate revival time -
Monday Oct 20, 2003
this is an update just for the sake of updatiing, like saying sorry w… -
Thursday Oct 09, 2003
blarg, new site design burns ugh stuff is happening soon so may…
sounding more and more like the clan is a no can do. forget the oppressive heat or insanity and expense of plans, i may have some work to do.
fuck that bitch is right, except noot literally. lol. been there, done that, i have evidence of said fucking. i suspect she may be bitter about having to go back to mortal men after me... lol