i'm worn out mang...
diggin and wrasslin pipes is hard work
my hands look like i put them in a meat grinder.
I don't think I've had this much testosterone flowin in me since i was a tender lumpling.
I love it, feels like I've got weasels fighting in my bloodstream
and happy dios de muerte
celebrate the life of someone gone
Right so, rather than working in dead end jobs for the remainder of my natural life, me and a couple friends are trying our hands at entrepenuerialism. We started out trying to carve a niche in the always oversaturated web design community; some schmo hawking his shit to millions of pliant consumers. That wasn't really working out , too many people with too much of... Read More
the 3 hours of unrivaled midnight beauty in big sur, more than made up for the 3 days of catastrophe that followed, sorry i missed the destruction of LA, hope everyone is well in the new year
this is an update just for the sake of updatiing, like saying sorry when somebody you don't know is dead, or bless you when somebody sneezes, just programmed and not really heartfelt.
anything you do out of routine or habit that's totally pointless?
every time I go and visit someone's journal I have to see trilo's stupid poking fun reminder. dammit.
-anyway, yeah...consider it sheared. I'm still getting used to it again.