Whee, a journal. Now I can drone on about all my innermost feelings for an audience of strangers on an erotica site. Whatever I can do to entertain.
Some drama to start things off: Today was pretty dramatic, had a nice one-sided fight with my girlfriend. Got told I was planning on leaving her, and that she was fucking everthing up. News to me.
"Why do you always have to be the strong one? Why can't I just handle my own problems?" You know, bullshit like that. And you know tomorrow she'll be fine and we'll never speak of it again, until the next time she gets in the mood to scream at me.
On the positive side, I understand the homosexual lifestyle's appeal much more now. I'm declaring myself honorarily gay for the rest of the day.
Some drama to start things off: Today was pretty dramatic, had a nice one-sided fight with my girlfriend. Got told I was planning on leaving her, and that she was fucking everthing up. News to me.

On the positive side, I understand the homosexual lifestyle's appeal much more now. I'm declaring myself honorarily gay for the rest of the day.