i know you're not leaving quite just yet, but i wanted to make sure you saw this.
just announcing to you via the SG world that you remain one of my few favorite people on the planet. when i finally found someone, you were one of 2 people in my life who were not surprised (the other one was not my "best friend" or my parents, btw). who always thought it would happen for me. an example of the many things you have done just by being you, that has made me feel good about myself all these years we've known each other. i think we've both had more confidence for each other than we've had for ourselves. maybe that's kind of fucked up, but it's necessary and very nice.
you are the only SG person who i already knew before coming to SG. and, of course, the person who brought me here in the first place. i suppose i thank you for this addiction, seeing as it brought me to dharmabox and all.
some pictures from your SB sets that i was inspired to put up due to the occasion of your shipping out:
the baby bee waves goodbye to the baby boy
and takes a deep breath realizing how much of that crazy handwriting of his she will have to decipher over the next year. the monkeyhead wishes you well and will do her best to keep up with noch.
am i allowed to say this? semper fi, my friend.
much love and good thoughts your way, a little
and a bouquet of
as well. i know you'll be as safe as you can be. send me some sand!
i know you're not leaving quite just yet, but i wanted to make sure you saw this.
just announcing to you via the SG world that you remain one of my few favorite people on the planet. when i finally found someone, you were one of 2 people in my life who were not surprised (the other one was not my "best friend" or my parents, btw). who always thought it would happen for me. an example of the many things you have done just by being you, that has made me feel good about myself all these years we've known each other. i think we've both had more confidence for each other than we've had for ourselves. maybe that's kind of fucked up, but it's necessary and very nice.
you are the only SG person who i already knew before coming to SG. and, of course, the person who brought me here in the first place. i suppose i thank you for this addiction, seeing as it brought me to dharmabox and all.
some pictures from your SB sets that i was inspired to put up due to the occasion of your shipping out:

the baby bee waves goodbye to the baby boy
and takes a deep breath realizing how much of that crazy handwriting of his she will have to decipher over the next year. the monkeyhead wishes you well and will do her best to keep up with noch.
am i allowed to say this? semper fi, my friend.
much love and good thoughts your way, a little

I wish him the best for him
OK! you can change journals now.
I don't know why yer thanking me anyway. you do all the work.
I'm gonna miss you. and yes yer gonna have to get good at deciphering scribble.