i swam 2500m this morning, including 2X 50m of fly. like Aikaterine i have been inspired by the olympic butterfliers.
testdrove a G35 6 speed sedan
wiped my cat's ass for her (why she isn't good at this is beyond me...i wonder if everyone's cat is kind of a slob and i just notice it on mine cause she's white)
ate my favorite sandwich at subway (the hot chicken...mmmm mmmm)
the sandwich-makers at subway, who see the box whenever he goes in there (it's next door to his office) first asked if i was his wife. then his daughter. then his girlfriend.
can anyone else smell FREUD?
testdrove a G35 6 speed sedan
wiped my cat's ass for her (why she isn't good at this is beyond me...i wonder if everyone's cat is kind of a slob and i just notice it on mine cause she's white)
ate my favorite sandwich at subway (the hot chicken...mmmm mmmm)
the sandwich-makers at subway, who see the box whenever he goes in there (it's next door to his office) first asked if i was his wife. then his daughter. then his girlfriend.
can anyone else smell FREUD?

no, but I smell fraud!!!

So, I'm guessing that's a big "no" on the BG thing.