"Women were preventing pregnancy long before there were any books about itin fact, even before there was paper for printing the books. The first prescription for a contraceptive was written on papyrus around 1550 B.C. It seems to have called for crocodile dung to be inserted into the vagina, as the ancient Egyptians preferred. For ancient Arabians, elephant dung mixed with honey was the method of choice. And women in Northern Canada drank a potion of dried beaver testicles mixed with alcohol to avoid pregnancy."
(from this site)
my computer may or may not need a new logic board
i may or may not have fleas
i have now been on the pill (for pain alleviation) for one month. the pain was about 98% absent. a dream come true. however, i had about three times as many headaches this month than usual. the other option is to have surgery (laparoscopy) and i'm pretty sure that surgery scares the bejesus out of me. so gonna stay on the pill another month or so and see if the headaches lessen. or maybe i'll even see about getting a different flavor pill...
(flavor is a universal word. shaving cream comes in flavors. races can be considered flavors. car colors can be flavors. therefore....you get the point.)
i think i spend more of my time inside parentheses than out
and yes, i have a headache. right now.
HOWEVER....drumroll please....i am DONE with jury duty!!! if i were staying in NY, i wouldn't get picked again for at least 4 years. what i *should* have done was postpone it until december, and then say "right, right...but i live in virginia now..."
what a dumbass
(from this site)
my computer may or may not need a new logic board
i may or may not have fleas
i have now been on the pill (for pain alleviation) for one month. the pain was about 98% absent. a dream come true. however, i had about three times as many headaches this month than usual. the other option is to have surgery (laparoscopy) and i'm pretty sure that surgery scares the bejesus out of me. so gonna stay on the pill another month or so and see if the headaches lessen. or maybe i'll even see about getting a different flavor pill...
(flavor is a universal word. shaving cream comes in flavors. races can be considered flavors. car colors can be flavors. therefore....you get the point.)
i think i spend more of my time inside parentheses than out
and yes, i have a headache. right now.
HOWEVER....drumroll please....i am DONE with jury duty!!! if i were staying in NY, i wouldn't get picked again for at least 4 years. what i *should* have done was postpone it until december, and then say "right, right...but i live in virginia now..."
what a dumbass

Ha! That was weird. It turned out to be Koleeta, and she directed me to this thread for the awesome explanation.
thanks! virginia? whats that about?