Figured I might as well start a blog even though maybe 1.5 people on average will read it.
This morning:
Took my... seventh(?) driving lesson and did a terrible job. FML. Read some more of John Fowles' "The Magus" - this is incredible, mind blowing stuff. Got home and was overwhelmed with an empty lethargy. A sort of "I can't be fucked doing anything, my life is bland and unexciting" feeling, you know how it is. Would light up and listen to Failure but have no green.
The Butterfly Effect are playing at Metro City. Dead Letter Circus supporting. Fuck yes, this will be intense. If you don't know either of these bands, it's probably because you're not Australian or are, but don't listen to Triple J. Check them out immediately.
Friend Tina's 20th birthday party- predrinks at hers then a bus is taking us to a karaoke bar in the city. Never karaoke-ed before, but plan to attempt one or two songs. Won't get too drunk like the last two times I tried to go out. Maybe singing in a drunken party context will help me sing in front of people in an amateur musician context.
Exciting shit huh? Stay tuned for the resolution.
In the meantime, here's a sneak preview of tonight's awesomeness:
Dead Letter Circus on MySpace
(They have an amazing bassist, wicked technique)
And TBE with Crave:
This morning:
Took my... seventh(?) driving lesson and did a terrible job. FML. Read some more of John Fowles' "The Magus" - this is incredible, mind blowing stuff. Got home and was overwhelmed with an empty lethargy. A sort of "I can't be fucked doing anything, my life is bland and unexciting" feeling, you know how it is. Would light up and listen to Failure but have no green.
The Butterfly Effect are playing at Metro City. Dead Letter Circus supporting. Fuck yes, this will be intense. If you don't know either of these bands, it's probably because you're not Australian or are, but don't listen to Triple J. Check them out immediately.
Friend Tina's 20th birthday party- predrinks at hers then a bus is taking us to a karaoke bar in the city. Never karaoke-ed before, but plan to attempt one or two songs. Won't get too drunk like the last two times I tried to go out. Maybe singing in a drunken party context will help me sing in front of people in an amateur musician context.
Exciting shit huh? Stay tuned for the resolution.
In the meantime, here's a sneak preview of tonight's awesomeness:
Dead Letter Circus on MySpace
(They have an amazing bassist, wicked technique)
And TBE with Crave:
I'll definitely keep at all of these things, a surf based set huh? Maybe. I was thinking of a boxing or a picnic (bike and books) based set, I love doing those two things, but surfing sounds good too. Might be a bit difficult though considering that I'd have to get naked and don't really think I can do that on the beach