So much for blogging. No point anyway.
Listen to this, whoever you are:

What's the mask for? Looks like a Splicer from BioShock.

Pretty cool though. biggrin
Cheers man. Didn't want to turn up at the masquerade party in some shitty thing from Crazy Clarke's.
That splicer is sick. I just bought Bioshock for me PS3. Haven't really touched it yet though.
"Do you think I was only gaoled? I wished to cry out as she turned to leave & rapped thrice on the door for Pobjoy to come & open for I too was the gaoler. Do you think to keep my own hide unflogged I never lied? Never stole off a mate? I have a weakness for blue gin, old women, white rum, young girls,...
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I'm working on a mask for a mate's masquerade themed 21st party. It's going to be pretty bizarre. So far it's a black Venetian beak mask with an almost gas mask effect on the eyes. There will be several red screws sticking out of it in all directions. Possibly red feathers and sequins. My goal is creepy. It already looks pretty interesting.
I'll put up...
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Back in the world of SG.
Thanks man. Welcome back.

Cheers man, yeah I love it haha.

Where is the one thing I don't know, and the one reason I don't have it yet (other than the fact that i'm pretty poor at the moment haha). I've heard good and bad things about every tat shop in Perth. I'm going to check out Reillys maybe this weekend. Looking at their site, Tim has some mad stuff, some really good detail in his tats.
Harro chief.
Ret's talk, why not?
My engineering project has made the finals at UWA. Basically we make little robot things transport rice from one platform to a higher one.
We did a shit job.
Evidently, most other people did shittier jobs.
Drinking some Famous Grousse in my coffee.
Gonna go move some rice around soon, then on to End of Semester Show.
Meanwhile, reminiscence...
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Just got the net again after a few months without. Was probably never going to be consistent with a blog anyway.
I've started drawing again. Will upload a few more pictures.
Much love.
Hey again. Summarising what happened last weekend...

Saw The Butterfly Effect and Dead Letter Circus play a fantastic show, drank a lot of beer, usually one in each hand. It was awesome. TBE covered Reckless by Australian Crawl and it rocked my shit. Then I chatted to the bassist from Calling All Cars who had done a few lines and was tripping balls, managed...
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thanks for the support. biggrin

and sounds like a crazy time. glad it was. wink
Figured I might as well start a blog even though maybe 1.5 people on average will read it.

This morning:
Took my... seventh(?) driving lesson and did a terrible job. FML. Read some more of John Fowles' "The Magus" - this is incredible, mind blowing stuff. Got home and was overwhelmed with an empty lethargy. A sort of "I can't be fucked doing anything, my...
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I guess it's not that bad here. First there's a 30 question theory test which is very easy and you have to get at least 27, then you get your L plates. Then you take a driving test involving 5 parts, 2 of which involve reverse parallel parking etc. You lose 1 point for each mistake you make which could be something as trivial as not looking in the rear mirror immediately before indicating. If you lose 3 points, you fail. I'm yet to attempt the driving test but shouldn't be far away.
Bodyboarding is pretty big here too. Not sure how cold the waters are over there, usually people around here just go in their trunks. I do body surf, was doing some of that the other day. It's a rush. smile

I'll definitely keep at all of these things, a surf based set huh? Maybe. I was thinking of a boxing or a picnic (bike and books) based set, I love doing those two things, but surfing sounds good too. Might be a bit difficult though considering that I'd have to get naked and don't really think I can do that on the beach wink
What's a blog?
Here's some words I wrote one time:


"The serpents are hungry," or so thought the starving physician in his humble cellar, walls spastically stained with the splashes of ethanol he once doused himself in for no reason more than to evade the fetid tentacles of the tedium that had recently become his life. He was suffocating in the pit of...
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It was a fun and eventful time for sure.

I'll definitely keep at it and I'm sure I'll acquire many more battle scars each time I try. My tan? I hate tan lines, I prefer tanning in the nude, so they're not something I want to show off. biggrin
Haha. It's just one of my weird things, I hate tan lines on me, but I think they're cute on other people. It's kind of...a dorky cuteness, and I think it's attractive on women when they get this bikini tan line from their top, and when they take it off it's like an outline of where you should look. wink

I don't surf too often actually. I want to but I don't get around to it much. Do you surf?