i have to work graveyard tonight. do ya' know how much that sucks? huh? do ya'? fuck. i damn near put in my two weeks notice when i found out, but i have a week of paid vacation time coming up soon. so soon that i can taste it in fact. it tastes like wet.
i'm going to las vegas on the 3rd. woot woot. my sister is going to be 21 on the 31st of this month, so we're gonna go and be quite drunk together. after many bruises and much sweat, my bicycle has been completely restored to it's former state of glory. man, for a while there everything that could break on the damn thing did. but, i kissed it and it's all better. yay.
i'm painting the new apartment. its coming along quite slowly, but i think its going to look fucking awesome. one wall is a blood red & the others will be a sort of light teal blue... they clash so well that it works. wee, painting is fun.
i'm at the library in a mini skirt, fish nets and 20 eyes... people are looking at me.