so, while at the library yesterday, updating my journal with nothing important and reading e-mails from nobody important, some stupid thug stole the light off of my bicycle. fucken' eh! does this asshole really need a bike light so badly that he/she doesn't have the time to save up some cash? that was a thirty dollar bike light! quality! luxury! top o' the line! you hear me? TOP O' THE LINE!!! (there was even a kitty on it). i had to go to work and buy a cheap, ugly old light because i can't well afford to shell out thirty bones each time some petty criminal can't control an impulse. grr... that'll teach me, i guess. i'm already forced to take the air plugs off of the tires every time i chain up because they're custom made for my bike (cute little wooden bowling pins
). i'm quite disappointed in people right now. quite. i'm suprized that they didn't take my power ranger bell, they should have. suckers.
i'm considering going to dante's tomorrow night... i dunno... if i do, will somebody buy me a drink or ten???

i'm considering going to dante's tomorrow night... i dunno... if i do, will somebody buy me a drink or ten???

ha...don't you know brothers don't smile?

I would buy you that Dante's drink.. but, alas, I am in Idaho. meh.. bleh, yes, neat.