Ok It's official. I am sick. I seem to have caught whatever germy-germs have been going around. This really bites. Anyone else sick out there? Ok I'm off to bed to try to sleep this off.
Uhhhh, by the looks of it I guess I am on the one-a-month update plan????
What's everyone been up to? I had a good weekend. I went up to LA and spend some time with one of my good friends. We had a girlie weekend with dinner, shopping, a trip to the spa and afternoon tea. It was fun.
Egads! How time has flown! What 's new with ya'll? V-Day is coming up. I can't believe it's already that far into February!
I'm home tonight for once and I've been cleaning up the house and trying to get tax stuff together. I also am several chapters behind in reading for school but I don't think I'm going to get to it tonight. I have... Read More
The Jan 10 show with Collide rocked!!! We had such a fun time and a great show. Yay! Then the next night we won the award for "Best Rock Band" at the First Annual Inland Empire Music Awards. Whoo hoo. I guess we're on a tear.
Tomorrow night (Jan 19) we play at The Gypsy Lounge in Lake Forest, CA at 10:00 p.m. Then we... Read More
Happy New Year !!!! I am so embarrassed that I haven't updated in soooo long! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and got everything your hearts desired! I'm excited for 2005! I miss all of you!
Let's see what is new ....
1. Ordered a new computer from Dell. Whooo hooo! Can't wait!
2. Our album was voted demo of the year for... Read More
Hope everyone had a happy turkey day. For all you SD peeps, we're playing tonight in San Marcos at 10:00 p.m at The Jumping Turtle. It is all ages until 11:00 p.m.
I've just been a homebody today. It's one of those days where the weather makes you want to sleep, and sleep and sleep. zzzzzzzzz
I went to the dentist again today. $86 this time. Now I won't have to go back for six months.
Sorry I haven't been around that much lately. It's been so busy and stupid drama going on. School bugs so much too. I'm glad the semester is almost over.
Our show this Saturday at The Blvd. got cancelled and then we picked up a show... Read More
Our last minute Sunday show got cancelled. It was rescheduled for December 16 due to a death of a person in one of the band member's family. I feel bad for their family's loss.
I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! This year sure has gone by fast.
I hear that! How else you doing you gorgeous doll. Wow I miss doing regular posts to you. Sorry to hear about your show and your bandmates family. I can't wait for turkey day. I just hate the day after, I have to work at the store.
The Halloween show was ok. Not great just ok. I lamed out and don't really have any pics. A friend took some pics when we were playing but they didn't come out good.
I have some great news. One of my band's songs "Out of Sight" will be featured on Mad Catz Interactive's first published video game this holiday season. The game is called MC... Read More
I miss chatting with you doll. Be well.