I won the football pool at work again this week!!!! $70!!!!!! I won outright so tonight's game doesn't even count. Everyone at work hates me now. But I don't care!!!!
yea, my guy loves it so i am stuck with it too (football), i just cant find a way to like it, there seems to be no gambling out here, and i become a sore sport when i lose money. i will try to live vicariously through your football gambling! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you win the $70
Hey all. Change of plans. I'm not going to the Whole Hog show tonight in Capistrano Beach after all. I need to go hang out with a friend who is having a hard time right now.
louie_the_zebra, I emailed you and posted to your journal! I don't know how else to get ahold of you. Hope you get the message in time!
i just went thru some stuff @ work the last month... everything is good now... but it was nice that my friend Anika was there for me to talk to about everything.....
i did have fun last night ...this girl i've been wanting to hang out with called to tell me she had to go into work and bartend ... and to come stop by if i could .... sooo i went for a couple hours and after she got done with work we went out for breakfest ... .... i like her ..
Homework, homework! Give me a break! That's why I'm up at this early hour. Homework and laundry what a great combination. hahahah
I won our work's weekly football pool last week. $60!! Whoo hooo! Wish me luck this week. I'm also 2nd place in the overall season pool which pays buckoo bucks.
Today I did a photoshoot on my friend JD's chopper that he built all by himself. He's submitting them to a magazine to see if he can get it featured and he wanted some shots with a chick on the bike. Anyway here's a couple of them that we did as test. He's getting the real pics developed. Am I cool or what? hahahahahaha!!!!!!! I... Read More
I'm busted! Louie and Zebra wins $5! hehehehehehe Yes it is September and here I am updating late again! We had fun in Vegas. I got to eat at Sonic and I was very excited. The banana coconut cream shake is awesome! YUMMY YUMMY! I lost a bunch of money but at least the rooms were free.
Back to the same grind now. We're finally... Read More
Geez time to update. 2 months have flown by! How embarassing!
I've just been keeping busy working on our next album, working a day job and going to summer school. It doesn't leave much time for anything else. Summer school has been very high maintenance with its accelerated speed. A couple more weeks to go and then I will hae 2 weeks before it all... Read More
How's everyone doing? Geez it's been awhile again....hasn't it. Well I made it through the semester and will start up again next week with summer school.
The band has been keeping busy working on songs for our new record. We have a gig this weekend. We are playing at The Orange Blossom Festival in downtown Riverside if any of youz are around those parts. We... Read More
We have a show again tonight. It's an early one at 6:45 p.m. at The Boulevard in San Marcos. Should be interesting. It's cool because it's all ages and I love playing those shows. We had a good time at our show last night at The Mercury Room in Santee even though no one was really there.
....you should write a song called ..
...."louie the Zebra" ...
please ...........
[Edited on Oct 04, 2005 4:59PM]