EEEEWWW! I just saw the grossest lamest thing on TV. Has anyone watched that show "I want a Famous Face" on MTV? There was this guy on there that wanted to look like Elvis. They did something to his mouth like collegen maybe and he looks soooo nasty and freak-like.. I am so ruded! What a loser! there's a pre-op person who is going to be transformed into J-Lo, including the butt. Hmmmmm... Ok I have to watch this....... there's a pre-op person who is going to be transformed into J-Lo, including the butt. Hmmmmm... Ok I have to watch this.......
hmmm, was unaware of this show. sounds completely surreal. like most reality shows, it's probably more interesting to talk about than to watch. I wonder what it would take to make me look like J-Lo? Don't really like her. How about Nancy Reagan? Don't like her either, but can imagine how much that would freak out my neighbors?
I saw a couple of clips of that show, and, um, thanks, but I'll pass. The dude that got made up to look like JLowhy, god, why?!?