Meet our baby ❤️
Bebe has been to the vet six times already and she's barely 8weeks old. We've been trying to correct her splayed legs or at least keep them from growing deformed by changing casts once a week. This condition usually affects the back legs, it is very rare for it to occur in the front legs. Soon we hope to get her into a local rehabilitation center. We're doing our best with physical therapy at home but Bebe needs professional help. Any donations or shares would be greatly appreciated, I've created a GoFundMe for sweet Bebe. Please help or share. We spend every moment with her and she's literally became our baby. I just want her to get better and right now I'm not sure the vet knows what to do. The cast dont seem to be helping and her muscles are just getting weaker. The Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation Center is expensive but I know if anyone can help her walk it's them! She's a feisty little kitty with so much to do. I'm going to build her some sort of toy monster truck wheel device for her front legs, any tips or advice appreciated 😁❤️
#swimmerssyndrome #paraplegiccat #disabledcat #twistedlegs #handicappedpets #handicapcat #handicat #handicapable #furbaby #catparents #savealife #recuekitty