whats not to love

i miss Alissa sooo much. shes so freakin awesome. i want to thank her for shooting the giant ohio slumber party set. i cant wait to see it!! one of the best moments of my life so far. my trip was so epic, if you didnt hear about it yet check out my last blog.

another huge thank you to the lovely King for being such a great hostess

these three sexy redheads drive me crazy. i LOVE them.
you should peep this video i made.

heres a group shot of the TTC(titty txting club)
i need more ladies in my ttc network, PM your digits if you like to send and receive boobs


kiss and tell

iv been doing some shoots recently. i want to try more fetish modeling in the future. its tons of fun and i think im pretty good at it. im told im very easy to work with

i had my hood pierced for the first time(yes first, i plan on getting one more above it. then possibly a couple labia piercings)
and i dyed my hair, im going to redo it in a couple weeks. it was black so when i was stripping it i didnt let the dye sit too long, i dont want to kill my hair again. i want it a little lighter..
and now the exciting sexy news
i had a crazy shoot with ScottSmallin at this cute little waterfall.
by the end of the shoot there were a ton of people around me. they had their camera phones out and a couple guys were smoking green and offered. i was too busy being sexy for SG.
its going to be SO HOT! very very awesome work by Scott. hes amazing to shoot with. coming soon to MR, prolly about a month.
after we finished up the set and i was putting a bra on this straight edge guy comes up to us holding a wrist band with a badge on it. he asked us for our IDs and my heart sank. mine was at the shop where i had my hood pierced. lucky me i have like 5forms of id on me....tho it was still embarassing and looked bad. i wanted them to let Scott go, i asked if he could walk and i stay but the dude wouldnt have it. the cops finally show up in the car, put both of us in the back seat and question us. we were both scared thinking we were going to jail but they let us off with a warning. DONT GO CHASING WATERFALLS haha. especially during the masters in Augusta. im sorry for all the craziness Scott. thats what you get hanging out with me hehe. poor guy cut his foot, i got him all wet, we had an audience of stoners and cell phone photographers then we were crammed in the backseat of a cop car. im just happy we got the shots we needed and the police werent complete dicks. overall pretty awesome day. i might have learned my lesson this time, we'll see. so far im still winning.
at last the reason for my repost lol
today i got some work done on my sleeve by the amazing Steph from Americana!!!! fuck ya. two weeks then color, after that two more weeks then the inside. i just want it finished already! i think its looking good. the bottom will be fixed up a bit to match the top more.... in time. we are planning on doing the roses sunset colors and the vines two shades of green. im in love
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spoil me here.
and stay classy SGland. i love you