got a tragus piercing today

kinda a little celebration of my set going into MR and to also help out Shotgun with a suicide girls pierced faces video. any reason to get a new mod
. i was a bit worried with this one because i've heard its like the industrial(which i fuckin hated, it hurt a lot!) but surprisingly it didnt hurt too much, the most painful or should i say annoying part was him pulling the needle completely through after the initial piercing. im soooo happy with it! i've wanted my tragus done for ages.
new fan art from the awesome karljack25

ty x 1,000 ^.^
please dont miss out on my newest set Town Street Bridge now in MR!!!


kinda a little celebration of my set going into MR and to also help out Shotgun with a suicide girls pierced faces video. any reason to get a new mod

new fan art from the awesome karljack25

ty x 1,000 ^.^
please dont miss out on my newest set Town Street Bridge now in MR!!!

and thanx for your comment on After the work