got my FIRST car the other day
its no prize but gets me around!

i call him Shimmy. mainly because he constantly shakes. when accelerating or going up hill its like being in a gocart, not all that bad though i kinda like the free massage. thing that really pisses me off is how the radio falls out every time he hits a bump or pot hole. right in the middle of me belting out lyrics by The Frey, not cool. is it possible to have an awkward moment with yourself? lol anyways..
Shimmy is pretty old but im a year older. :strongpose: and guess what!? my birthday is on the 10th
im finally going to be 21! no more rejection bitches. no more holding my friends back. no more kiddy bull shit. thing is im not really a drinker at all. makes me super sick BUT i do very much enjoy going out, dancing and being social. kinda hard to do that when you cant get through the door.
(this is Nessy, the one eyed pirate octopus bowl)
im more of a stoner. i hope to get a fat bag for my bday but i think its just going to be about getting smashed this year. ill try my best. wish me luck lol. hopefully ill have some friends come up from FL to help me celebrate and not be depressed on my birthday. i still dont know anyone here in GA, i know its been a month but i just now got a car so hopefully ill have more friends here soon.
last i had time on here i talked to Setsuka and found out shes not that far from me. im going to ask her to come, i hope she can.
and for any other ladies in the area interested in coming you're more than welcome! id be super stoked to have more people here. im celebrating on the 11th, thats next friday. pm me if you are seriously considering it. i really really wanted a big freaky party but the closer it gets the more im realizing how far my old friends are and how alone i am. also makes me miss my lovey Auriga<3

you might be wondering about the tattoo shop i mentioned in my last blog. well iv been keeping up with their adds on facebook and they are still taking applications for the front desk girl. they say they wont be hiring anyone on until march. i want to be there so bad. and i want to start piercing again. how can i get their attention or interest in me? my roomy keeps telling me we should go back down there but what would i say? what would i do, iv already applied. would popping in make me look to needy or do you think it might help? im feeling a bit shy about it. any suggestions from people that work in this industry would be awesome!!

today im going to visit a bunch of ranches and stables in the area. try to find someone that needs some extra helping hands. i miss being around horses. now that iv stopped traveling theres no point in being away any longer! i dont care if they pay me or not, i need something to do. im going stir crazy. lately my life has been a lot of netflix, WoW, sleepless nights and slumbering days. time to snap out of it and do the shit that keeps me active and happy.
lalalalalalalalove me, i love you

heres a new little gift for you, Town Street Bridge, in MR Feb. 22nd.
by the oh so sexy and talented Alissa

i call him Shimmy. mainly because he constantly shakes. when accelerating or going up hill its like being in a gocart, not all that bad though i kinda like the free massage. thing that really pisses me off is how the radio falls out every time he hits a bump or pot hole. right in the middle of me belting out lyrics by The Frey, not cool. is it possible to have an awkward moment with yourself? lol anyways..
Shimmy is pretty old but im a year older. :strongpose: and guess what!? my birthday is on the 10th

im more of a stoner. i hope to get a fat bag for my bday but i think its just going to be about getting smashed this year. ill try my best. wish me luck lol. hopefully ill have some friends come up from FL to help me celebrate and not be depressed on my birthday. i still dont know anyone here in GA, i know its been a month but i just now got a car so hopefully ill have more friends here soon.
last i had time on here i talked to Setsuka and found out shes not that far from me. im going to ask her to come, i hope she can.

you might be wondering about the tattoo shop i mentioned in my last blog. well iv been keeping up with their adds on facebook and they are still taking applications for the front desk girl. they say they wont be hiring anyone on until march. i want to be there so bad. and i want to start piercing again. how can i get their attention or interest in me? my roomy keeps telling me we should go back down there but what would i say? what would i do, iv already applied. would popping in make me look to needy or do you think it might help? im feeling a bit shy about it. any suggestions from people that work in this industry would be awesome!!

today im going to visit a bunch of ranches and stables in the area. try to find someone that needs some extra helping hands. i miss being around horses. now that iv stopped traveling theres no point in being away any longer! i dont care if they pay me or not, i need something to do. im going stir crazy. lately my life has been a lot of netflix, WoW, sleepless nights and slumbering days. time to snap out of it and do the shit that keeps me active and happy.
lalalalalalalalove me, i love you

heres a new little gift for you, Town Street Bridge, in MR Feb. 22nd.
by the oh so sexy and talented Alissa

Have a fun time!!
but it's usually a sign that you've had fun the night before