LETS MEET! The company i work for just moved to Jersey, we will be here 3months so get to know me NY/NJ peeps!

This month has been so crazy, lots of ups and downs. My brother was recently fired and sent to puerto rico, im really sad

This is a good reason to get my passport now. maybe i can visit him and possibly do another set while im there

Speaking of sets, Sharyn and i just completed all the stuff for my sexy gothic rooftop set and it should be submited soon. Its just how i wanted it. Sharyn is so much fun and very helpful. She really made it mine and exactly the way i wanted it to feel. This set is like the complete opposite of my first set, i love it because thats how i am too and i can be kinda schizie at times.
Expect new profile pics from me soon, ones that fit and look right!
***Edit: I fucking love me some Nixon and im so happy after reading her friday blog, this is great news for my upcoming sets!
Nixon Says: "....rumor has it that at least for a while, staff will be overruling MR a bit in order to bring you some darker, more creative sets that perhaps didn't get the highest approval ratings...."***
As soon as i got here i went shopping. [Me+14hours+Car= Vicious Panda] but pretty new things made me happy again.
i love Tripps and guess what!? im getting an Aaahhh Real Monsters half sleeve for christmas!!!
In the middle of losing my friend Rustie we did find these awesome doors to take pics with lol
Its fucking hot here
I feel like my boobs are small been looking through BBA to much, its just such an addicting group!
Lets play some shadow games to Underworld soundtrack, Puscifer Rev22:20
I want to thank Photojournalist for his awesome edits
i really hope i get to see Toy Story3 in theaters, i love those movies<333
Smokin Aces: amazing must see movie, one of my favorites "A dying mob boss takes out a $1 million contract on the life of his former protg, a Vegas magician turned gangster who has agreed to testify against the mob. The FBI attempts to protect their key witness as an array of hit men and women descend on Lake Tahoe in a race to take the magician out."
Let the Right One In: i fell in love with this movie when i first saw it and theres a remake soon but i recommend everyone watch the original first or at least once. if u like vampires u will love eli.
"Oskar, a bullied 12-year old, dreams of revenge. He falls in love with Eli, a peculiar girl. She can't stand the sun or food and to come into a room she needs to be invited. Eli gives Oskar the strength to hit back but when he realizes that Eli needs to drink other people's blood to live he's faced with a choice. How much can love forgive? Set in the Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1982."
Also im going to see all my SGNY buddies 2mro night!!! Spending the day with the sexy Gonzoe and lovely Auriga. Im looking forward to a very nice chillaxed day
and u guys can look forward to a very interesting future blog im sure.
loves <333
we can do simple free stuff like walk around with a camera and get high on coffee and be tourists...