This week seems to be starting off pretty good, I did a lot of shopping this weekend and bought a few new skirts from hot topic

I get a lot of people that ask how the dermal is done well...
My dermal felt like pressure then a slight pinch. Thats when hes holding the skin and pushing the needle in. In contrast to a surface piercing, the needle doesn't continue on - this is as far as it goes. And then the needle is removed so that the anchor can be placed inside the pocket it created. So really its like a little inscision to make a pocket for the jewelry. Then the flesh heals around the holes and the base stays in place. The top can be changed after the piercing is healed which is generally fast. Mine is healed and I just changed it from a green rhinstone to a beautiful purple one a few months ago. my fav color

Today I did 2nose, 4lobe and 1helix. My crafty work

My big brother is the tattoo guy

T.J. he's a tattoo artist so i get some of my work done by him when ever we are both in the same state. Some time this week we are doing a few small ones, but they are super cute. I'll post the flashes and update you later with pics! Hes the tattoo one. I'm better with the piercings, for now that is....I shall master both! Also I have the better ink on my body too

So guess what, it turns out I have bronchitis now They totally didnt fucking help at the hospital either, just wasted my time and gave me a slip for $200 meds that I'm not going to be able to buy. Yay for usless late night trips
OMG GO CHECK OUT KILLJOIS SET! She is totally sexy with that cute smerk and those perky itty bittys Sexy lil punk in Drink, Fight, Fuck by Alissabrunelli. These ladies put together a very hot set. Go thank them with love^.^
Obscure by Dir En Grey-
scary/sexy lol
Dosed by Red Hot Chili Peppers-
Brings back memories<3
Grown Ups with Adam Sandler-
Funny movie, more of a family type though. I was expecting more filth from that caste but still entertaining.
The Fourth Kind with Milla Jovovich-
Awesome movie. This shit actually happened and the stuff cought on tape will blow your mind.
"When a UFO is sighted, it is called an encounter of the first kind. When evidence is collected, it is known as an encounter of the second kind. When contact is made with extraterrestrials, it is the third kind. The next level, abduction, is the fourth kind. Modern-day, Alaska, where-mysteriously since the 1960s-a disproportionate number of the population has been reported missing every year. Despite multiple FBI investigations of the region, the truth has never been discovered. Here in this remote region, psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler began videotaping sessions with traumatized patients and unwittingly discovered some of the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented. The Fourth Kind exposes the terrified revelations of multiple witnesses. Their accounts of being visited by alien figures all share disturbingly identical details, the validity of which is investigated throughout the film."
Thats it for today guys, enjoy<333
When will you be here? Ah, messaging you now!