Hey guys and gals ^.^
Guess what!? I'm getting glasses 2mro!
I'm so excited, I'm also getting contacts. I can't wait to see again, ha I'm blind as a bat.
Wanted to thank everyone that has added me, I'm making an effort to chat with each of you, please mail me anytime I love getting to know all of you, each of you is teaching me things and making my stay here a great one. Wonderful people and some a little odd, you know who you are lol, but everyone is awesome.
Hmm so I was telling someone how I haven't met any SGs and really wish i had during my first shoot, they recommended I go to Hell City, let me know what you think is it worth the plane ticket?
Wanna share pics from a chill weekend with my friend Rustie ^.^ also explain a little about my job, seeing as how the topic of my location comes up a lot while talking with peeps. I work for an international sales company called National Chemical Company. I usually move every 2-3 months. I myself have seen many states and learned so much but have not left the country...yet! My brother on the other hand has worked for this company for 10years and he's one of the best. They send him EVERYWHERE. He has a passport full of places and a story for each. I love my crazy brother, hes also a tattoo artist so thats a major plus
Rustie and Me with my whiteout contacts and the hooka! mmmm mint chocolate
Ok let me tell you about epic, the name is actually from my toon Epicguilt in WoW...and a few people call me Epic in RL. I love it, I put it on my bong a while ago lol so its not like I'm going around labling my stuff after my sg user name. I hope that makes sence.
Me and Tilly
Lickin da Glowstick, ooh ya
So I had a few more things to talk about but i guess I'll save it for another blog. One thing I did want to add is that I'm auditioning for the SG pilot. I love the idea of doing something with SG. This is lots of fun actually, all my friends and family are being so supportive. Wouldn't it be awesome if the pilot took off and SG starts seasons! Oh the possibilities... how fun, I would so watch and be like the biggest fan aha.
Take it easy everyone ^.^
Guess what!? I'm getting glasses 2mro!

Wanted to thank everyone that has added me, I'm making an effort to chat with each of you, please mail me anytime I love getting to know all of you, each of you is teaching me things and making my stay here a great one. Wonderful people and some a little odd, you know who you are lol, but everyone is awesome.
Hmm so I was telling someone how I haven't met any SGs and really wish i had during my first shoot, they recommended I go to Hell City, let me know what you think is it worth the plane ticket?

Wanna share pics from a chill weekend with my friend Rustie ^.^ also explain a little about my job, seeing as how the topic of my location comes up a lot while talking with peeps. I work for an international sales company called National Chemical Company. I usually move every 2-3 months. I myself have seen many states and learned so much but have not left the country...yet! My brother on the other hand has worked for this company for 10years and he's one of the best. They send him EVERYWHERE. He has a passport full of places and a story for each. I love my crazy brother, hes also a tattoo artist so thats a major plus

Rustie and Me with my whiteout contacts and the hooka! mmmm mint chocolate

Ok let me tell you about epic, the name is actually from my toon Epicguilt in WoW...and a few people call me Epic in RL. I love it, I put it on my bong a while ago lol so its not like I'm going around labling my stuff after my sg user name. I hope that makes sence.

Me and Tilly

Lickin da Glowstick, ooh ya

So I had a few more things to talk about but i guess I'll save it for another blog. One thing I did want to add is that I'm auditioning for the SG pilot. I love the idea of doing something with SG. This is lots of fun actually, all my friends and family are being so supportive. Wouldn't it be awesome if the pilot took off and SG starts seasons! Oh the possibilities... how fun, I would so watch and be like the biggest fan aha.
Take it easy everyone ^.^
and audition for that pilot, thats pretty cool, good luck!