Friday Jul 02, 2010 Jul 2, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email The Last Airbender? Not really worth your time or money, unless you're like, 10 years old. ingrim: More like (Finally) the last M. Night Shyamalan movie you will ever see? I'm trying to suppress the rage I have had against that man. We need to stop funding his bullshit movies. Hopefully this one will wake us all up. Hope that didn't make me sound like a dick. Jul 2, 2010 udbmerv: thanks for the warning! Honestly I didn't plan on seeing it...but you never know. I'll steer clear! Jul 5, 2010
I'm trying to suppress the rage I have had against that man. We need to stop funding his bullshit movies. Hopefully this one will wake us all up.
Hope that didn't make me sound like a dick.