So i've been working way too hard lol its true...i just volunteered to fo the night audit at the GWL that i work at and its finally getting to me, one more week tho and i can go back to getting yelled at in reservations..whooohoo!
I just washed my bong with my brotheres gio armani body wash...i had too..that smell is to die for lol...and theres nothign wrong with a nice smelling bong.
No one at works knows i smoke..except for teh coolest old balck guy ever who cleans at night and tells me im pretty lol
I wonder if...say my manager or supervisor viewed my facebook...if they would fire me? I am within my three months probation...but wat i do on my spare time is what i do on my spare time...BUT i do work in a childrens facility...i dont know if that makes a shouldnt and it snot like im going to hide it i jsut wont bring it to work with me..l;ike duh..i deal with people all day i can not be stoned lol
So im doing my friends homework for him in exchange for marijuana....long story, lots of explinations...but im not goign to get into it because your going to judge me either way.
I just recently got in this huge fight with one of my best friends for seven had been a long tiem coming..i could tell about a month before we actually made it an official break of the friends lol She turned around and called me a fucking cunt and that i was shit...your best friend of seven years does not do that to you just because she was talking to her druggie fuck friend and i interupted...seriosuly thats how it went down...all of a sudden she became violent and verbally just started one day ... sometimes i think its coke..but we were together almost all the time...i would have noticed...wouldnt have i?
anyway she ended up attacking my other friend Remba in my minivan as I was driving them home...we were late to pick her up because i got lost...and no one laugh ...but i get lost in wellend every single fucking time i do there i hate it there it is the devil city. I warned my friend i would be late ebcause the chances of me making it striaght there with directions..were slim to none....she knew that ..she had to have known that..shes been in teh car with me every single time ive been lost in wellend..which is basically everytime i venture out there.
Anyway were driving home because she was pissed ebcause we ruined her st patricks day because WE weren't ontime to PICK HER UP. My friend Remba asked her wat was wrong, she didnt wan tto talk about it, Remba told her that it was in her best interest to talk about it...because otherwise it would be a very uncomfortable ride home...she didnt want to talk about it and i wasn't going to sit there like a fucking chauffer feeling guilty that i wasted 20 dollars in gas going to pick her up to have her treat me like shit....well all in all were driving down lundys lane and my non-friend grabs at Remba and tries to pull her hair and punch her in the face...OUT OF NO WHERE if thats not drug rage i dont kno wat is...Remba was in the front seat buckled in like a good girl...and my non friend had the audasity to swing at her while she wasn't looking, while i was driving (actually turning the corner in an extremely busy intersection)and while Remba was buckled into her seat.! My non friend started to try and call Remba out telling her to get out of the car and get her face kicked in.....(which is funny Remba's like 6 feet tall and my non friend is like 5'4") calling her all sorts of horrible names..including the dreaded c word which i already stated at the beginning of this blog so...she called her a cunt, a bitch a whote a slut who will never succumed to anything...all these nasty things that really...she should not be pointing teh non friend is the saying "don't point a finger because there are three more pointing back at you...its so true if Remba was a non friend was three times..and this is coming from me..a nuteral in the party who will always care about non friend.
Basically my non friend yanked alot of hair and scratcherd up Remba's face pretty good but i told her to get out of teh car and i drove away whilst she slammed the door..which came right off the hinges..luckily my dad could fix it..otherwise she;d be paying out the ass...and basically ebcause she told me she wouldnt pay for it...that it was my fault for driving away and that it was Rembas fault for instigating the conversation that made her so angry as to beat on her best friend at the time who was Remba.
Pathetic.....and the icing on the cake....oooo
one call to press charges for the way she attacked the middle of a busy road risking so many woudl have ruined her high and mighty plan
i feeel bad tho..shes git ti be going thru something difficult but i could tell for a while she had changed
Fuck College by the way...the only reason you go to college is to meet new sweet people who share teh same interests as you...thats why i loved college lol
I guess im done rambling..Im going to post some new pictures and hit the bong then nap..because i got off my midnight shift at 7 and have been procrastinationg sleeping...who the fuck does that??
omg i think theres someting wrong...i should see a doctor
love you guys <3
i promise ill be back with sets and more blogs....OOO and soon video blogs...
p.s.s.s.t I'm looking for a unique talented photographer i need to get these pics dones!
pictures no one REALLY needs to see of Remba and i..
HER WORK IS Cindy Cieluch
I'm really quite too excited and very sleepy to finish this blog ill keep you guys updated.