This is going to be a bit of a long read, and a complicated topic to write. I wanna give you all some sort of peek at what it is to be a Hopeful from a third world country.
So far, I think there's only one SuicideGirl from the Philippines (dokurochan), and two hopefuls (me and sazuke). I know SG is big in other countries, but it's still sort of underground here. The Philippines is a very conservative country and it's kinda scary how the state works hand in hand with the churches (although we have a law of separation of church and state).
I would love to be a SuicideGirl, I've been wanting it since I was 17. Of course I couldn't back then 'cause I was still underage, and since then I've been getting negativity from people around me about being a SuicideGirl. Well, 4 years later, here I am - a hopeful. I've finally found the courage in me to go against society's strict rules against girls posing nude. I bet some of my friends think ill of me because I do this, but that's a-okay by me. I'm not living for them, I'm living for me. I'm doing this for me. I love it.
Even though I'm still a hopeful, I've learned a lot through SG. I've learned to love myself for who I am. I've developed confidence and courage to push through what I want to do in life. I have a business degree, and my family and (some) friends think that I should be pursuing a career towards that. I've tried it before - I did well, but it didn't make me happy. It just didn't work for me. In one year of my working career, I've worked for 3 companies. That's highly unusual here. I just didn't find happiness and satisfaction in any of them. I've realized SG is really what I wanna do, that and be a real writer.
One day, I'd write a book about my experiences here in SuicideGirl.
p.s. random sidenote I worked for WWF and UNICEF - Philippines before
So far, I think there's only one SuicideGirl from the Philippines (dokurochan), and two hopefuls (me and sazuke). I know SG is big in other countries, but it's still sort of underground here. The Philippines is a very conservative country and it's kinda scary how the state works hand in hand with the churches (although we have a law of separation of church and state).
I would love to be a SuicideGirl, I've been wanting it since I was 17. Of course I couldn't back then 'cause I was still underage, and since then I've been getting negativity from people around me about being a SuicideGirl. Well, 4 years later, here I am - a hopeful. I've finally found the courage in me to go against society's strict rules against girls posing nude. I bet some of my friends think ill of me because I do this, but that's a-okay by me. I'm not living for them, I'm living for me. I'm doing this for me. I love it.
Even though I'm still a hopeful, I've learned a lot through SG. I've learned to love myself for who I am. I've developed confidence and courage to push through what I want to do in life. I have a business degree, and my family and (some) friends think that I should be pursuing a career towards that. I've tried it before - I did well, but it didn't make me happy. It just didn't work for me. In one year of my working career, I've worked for 3 companies. That's highly unusual here. I just didn't find happiness and satisfaction in any of them. I've realized SG is really what I wanna do, that and be a real writer.
One day, I'd write a book about my experiences here in SuicideGirl.
p.s. random sidenote I worked for WWF and UNICEF - Philippines before

Juju! Korean girls are so H.O.T. and I'm betting all I've got you're the hottest!! Good luck to us