We're getting close to that time again. New years.
I figure that I should get my resolutions out of the way now so that I'm not making any while drunk.
Be more creative:
This of course sounds like a silly resolution. But I haven't been feeling creative for a long time, maybe a whole year. When I was younger I would get excited over all the diffrent ways to do a project, and now I look for the easiest and cheapest usualy, and when easy and cheap aren't in harmony I usualy side with easy. I'm tired of that. I'm tired of being that person. It's not who I am. I have so many ideas (good ones I think) that I've just been putting off forever, using the weather, my financial situation or my sour moods as excuses. That's not at all cool. I'm sick of it and I'm going to stop putting shit aside. Bull rush motherfucker.
Get my money un fucked:
I've had some medical bills and various other shit dogging me for the last couple of years, credit cards that are getting paid off at a snails pace (if at all) and the like. Currently I'm about 3700 in debt on credit cards and a few misc bills. The goal this year is to half that. By paying off my smaller cards first (and then not using them) I will be free to tackle the larger one at an increased rate and eventualy (maybe even by this time next year) have that fucker off my back. Not only will this help put my credit back into good standing (gonna need good credit when I move to the coast) but It will also get rid of a lot of stress for me.
Get a new job:
This one is going to take a while. I really like working at the Pita Pit most days, but I'm getting tired of the drama. People coming to work with so much substance (a variety) in their blood that it's almost impossible to get anything actualy done. I could stand it though, it's not that terrible 90% of the time. But really I want to be doing something in my industry (photography/graphic design/webdesign) and actualy gaining some experiance before I get dropped on my ass out in the 'real world'. I'm planning on working at PhotoServices again this fall, but that isn't going to stop me from looking for something right now.
Drink more:
Sounds counter productive. All I mean is that I need to go out more, go to the bars (i'm 21 this febuary) and to more parties. I need to loosen up a bit, I've been holding onto the safety bars so hard that they have little dimples in them... and that's no way to ride the coaster.
Find A Girl:
Originaly I thought that a better resolution would be 'stop falling in love', but that's just not within my nature. I just need to find somone that will love me back for once. That's the tricky part. I guess this isn't a resolution as much as a hope. a prayer even. So many of my problems just fade into the background noise when I have someone to lavish affection on. At the same time, a secondary resolution falls under this one. Get over it - I have to learn (and you'd think I would have by now) that not everyone in the world is going to like me to the same degree that I like them. Not everyone is willing to sacrafice to the same level as I am to make a relationship work. In short, be more guarded... which is going to be hard for me...
Other than being in a journaling mood, tonight is pretty boring... Sitting here listning to Ben folds and meandering through "time enough for love" by robert heinlein.
I figure that I should get my resolutions out of the way now so that I'm not making any while drunk.
Be more creative:
This of course sounds like a silly resolution. But I haven't been feeling creative for a long time, maybe a whole year. When I was younger I would get excited over all the diffrent ways to do a project, and now I look for the easiest and cheapest usualy, and when easy and cheap aren't in harmony I usualy side with easy. I'm tired of that. I'm tired of being that person. It's not who I am. I have so many ideas (good ones I think) that I've just been putting off forever, using the weather, my financial situation or my sour moods as excuses. That's not at all cool. I'm sick of it and I'm going to stop putting shit aside. Bull rush motherfucker.
Get my money un fucked:
I've had some medical bills and various other shit dogging me for the last couple of years, credit cards that are getting paid off at a snails pace (if at all) and the like. Currently I'm about 3700 in debt on credit cards and a few misc bills. The goal this year is to half that. By paying off my smaller cards first (and then not using them) I will be free to tackle the larger one at an increased rate and eventualy (maybe even by this time next year) have that fucker off my back. Not only will this help put my credit back into good standing (gonna need good credit when I move to the coast) but It will also get rid of a lot of stress for me.
Get a new job:
This one is going to take a while. I really like working at the Pita Pit most days, but I'm getting tired of the drama. People coming to work with so much substance (a variety) in their blood that it's almost impossible to get anything actualy done. I could stand it though, it's not that terrible 90% of the time. But really I want to be doing something in my industry (photography/graphic design/webdesign) and actualy gaining some experiance before I get dropped on my ass out in the 'real world'. I'm planning on working at PhotoServices again this fall, but that isn't going to stop me from looking for something right now.
Drink more:
Sounds counter productive. All I mean is that I need to go out more, go to the bars (i'm 21 this febuary) and to more parties. I need to loosen up a bit, I've been holding onto the safety bars so hard that they have little dimples in them... and that's no way to ride the coaster.
Find A Girl:
Originaly I thought that a better resolution would be 'stop falling in love', but that's just not within my nature. I just need to find somone that will love me back for once. That's the tricky part. I guess this isn't a resolution as much as a hope. a prayer even. So many of my problems just fade into the background noise when I have someone to lavish affection on. At the same time, a secondary resolution falls under this one. Get over it - I have to learn (and you'd think I would have by now) that not everyone in the world is going to like me to the same degree that I like them. Not everyone is willing to sacrafice to the same level as I am to make a relationship work. In short, be more guarded... which is going to be hard for me...
Other than being in a journaling mood, tonight is pretty boring... Sitting here listning to Ben folds and meandering through "time enough for love" by robert heinlein.
Wow... a comment from one of my favorite girls... tee hee..
happy birthday!