mwahahahahahah im back wow alots happened since i last was on this site, lets see i never had sex with the girl who at that time was my gf thank got she had man hands, i did however have sex sadly with this whore and i use that lovingly with this girl cindy who is now know as fuck pig wow maybe i should of figured she wasa slut when i fisted her , yes thats right my hand was in her eck im still healing from when the bat creatures bit me, i had a girl fiend up until now we broke up about a week ago i really did love the girl its a shame she found it nessesary to 1 do lots of drugs
2 tell me how good her ex was at sex
and 3 fuck her ex while i was at work , readty it gets worse while i was working to take her to her prom and yes still gets worse with the condoms i bought the night before
yep still gets worse where we first had sex
and still gets worse i had to spend the night cause after work i had to go to her house were she told me everything and she apoligized in the morning after cutting herself the only good thing is her dad came to my work to apoligize to me for his "dumb bitch daughter" does it get worse you may ask yes yes it fucking does after all of this i still have feelings for her cant be helped right yeah well i found out she was kicked out of her house because of how fucked up she was when she went to school and now shes under house arrest at her aunts and i feel i need to talk to her to set shit strait cause if she dies ill have her death on my councous yah know "well maybe if i had said or done something" thing wow these passed months sucked and i hope things are looking up god help me if they arnt i think im gonna go to bed after i finish my massive web design home work yeah well ill be around

Best. Tattoo. EVAR.