mwahahahahahah im back wow alots happened since i last was on this site, lets see i never had sex with the girl who at that time was my gf thank got she had man hands, i did however have sex sadly with this whore and i use that lovingly with this girl cindy who is now know as fuck pig wow maybe i should of...
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Best. Tattoo. EVAR.
yah yah yah my stupid emo mood is over good for a second i thought i was gonna listen to dash bord and write a song whoooooo. any who yah i go to school again but alas i still need work cause if i no get ia job i can't have this acount boo hoo so any donations would be nice........................... ok didn't think so...
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Woot for anime-filled boredom!! biggrin Aww, I hope you don't have to resort to Kazaa porn, you never know what you're REALLY getting *shudder* Bad experiences surreal
im back mwahahah im fuckin back i finally got a new job thank god i would of lost my mind hello money and cut goth girls
It's days like today that i wonder what the hell is wrong with me i stayed up till 4:30-5:00 watching batman on tbs and woke up round one god damn i fucking miss school i never thought i would ever say that.... oh well its really said when you fell nastalga for the classes you went to 5 month a go. im doing nothing i...
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Aww, I hope things start comming up awesome for you *sends uber awesome vibes your way* kiss
Hehe, are you gonna see the Yugioh movie? biggrin
hey hey, channel that despair and it could improve your life! smile
Otakon was awsome i dressed as choji i was the only one there i scraped the carl idea cause it was make my own naruto head band or have pants for carl. so i al most went with most sane choice , go as carl with out pants, but they wouldn't let me in, thats sexest the'll let hot half nude girls in cammy coz...
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Hi there, smile my store had a booth at otakon...i been to that show once, and I may fly out there next year for laffs smile
hehe, at least you made some money wink
Otakon was awsome i dressed as choji i was the only one there i scraped the carl idea cause it was make my own naruto head band or have pants for carl. so i al most went with most sane choice , go as carl with out pants, but they wouldn't let me in, thats sexest the'll let hot half nude girls in cammy coz...
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So this weekend im suppost to go to OtaKon which is from what i understand to be the biggest anime convention in america ........but alas i have a delema i had to borrow the cash to go from a friend $130 to be specific, but i really dont need to be 130 bucks in the hole also school is coming up and my parents are...
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i went, i saw, i glomped
YAY! Glomping is so much fun. I wanted to glomp a Shino cosplayer but she seemed scared of me biggrin
Glad Otakon was awesome, I demand Choji cosplay pics!!
YAH YAH YAH FUCKING YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My computer lives Again. i go away for a fuckin week and comback to find that my brothewr tried to have sex with the computer and the comp killed it self so after a fucking month of no online im am back i'm so fucking happy lets see this for one this is something ive paid for and not been...
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I've never heard of Odakon...whereabouts is this mystery con that I may one day venture to?
Uh...is E-mail any better? That's all I got... robot
i am so fucking stoked ( heh i use a skater word) me and my friends are going down the shore on sat for a fucking week, and my buddie steve flew up from florda to gto me so happy only thing to make me equaly happy would be if XDRUGSFREEORDIEX WOULD BLOW HIS FUCKIN BRAINS OUT, oh well thats all ug say for now...
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Mmmmm, crustations...*slurp*
*high fives for awesome Naruto tats* biggrin
I will most definetly put up pics of the finished Trent pic *does a jaunty Trent-ie jig* biggrin
work fucking sucks harry p. came out this week end and because of it i can simultaniously hate and love movies coming out i want to see cause i like good movie and so do people so lots of people come to see good movies there for the come to the movies were i work well fuckem i fucking hate my job and one else...
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My sis just started work at a movie theatre. She says that the stupid people run rampant. Grrr. But yay for free movies to mooch biggrin
If I'm to stop existing, I hope it's in a furry of masturbating myself out, that sounds spectacular biggrin
well today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday i went to matts house mark and goat were ther we play yugioh till our fuckin heads exploded now im home wosh i had gotten a little drunk oh well now to watch ragnarok then play final fantasy11 til i pass out, bad bad rubber piggys oink
dorks rock smile
so does final fantasy 1-9 XI tactics and even mystic quest (i will forgive square enix for the malady upon their name that is x/x-2... for now biggrin tongue )
sounds like you had fun hehe
random comment victim #904467125596
Dude! You are Groovtacular!
*sits in the corner doing a "Yay for KAKASHI pic!!" jig* biggrin
i LOVE TACOS DOOMY GOOD TACOS OF DOOM this has been one boring fuckin sunday hmm maybe i should of went to church because god would of hit me with lightning so i could slept throught it all HAHAHAHAHAHA looks like i got plans for next week, bad bad rubber piggys oink
well today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday i went to matts house mark and goat were ther we play yugioh till our fuckin heads exploded now im home wosh i had gotten a little drunk oh well now to watch ragnarok then play final fantasy11 til i pass out, bad bad rubber piggys oink