Me & my mister finally have our own apartment!
Our 2 year anniversary was last week & this was the best present we could have gotten! =3
We move in Saturday!
Better blog when it's all settled and what not!
What I'm listening to right now.
Our 2 year anniversary was last week & this was the best present we could have gotten! =3
We move in Saturday!
Better blog when it's all settled and what not!
What I'm listening to right now.
We are totally on the same page life wise right now, both big move-ins with our "Misters". Good luck with yours xp. Speaking of, mine is right over the bridge from NYC (in NJ xp) so in the future if you need a place to crash you are welcome (although we are currently on the hunt for a comfy enough huge couch to let people crash on. xp)
Actually the location Im shooting at is in Philly (a adorable pink "alternative hair" salon, not going to give it away but I think you might know what Im talking about), I was going to get a bite with Zepp/Ashlen after if you want to comes that'd be funs.
If you are looking to get a set of dreads you should talk to Annasthesia she made me a really beautiful kit, she has a 20% off promotional thing going on too, and if you visit I can install them and teach you how (it's pretty easy if you know how to braid hair, it just is time consuming so it takes some patience).
I also always point people to Elysee Star Dreads for their first pair because it's the cheapest dreads you'll find anywhere so it's a little less of a commitment. But they are more heavy, tight and sleek looking then hand made back-combed ones, which I like more, which usually cost more and are a little knottier and fluffier (I think they have a little more character but they also aren't as heavy), but it's a matter of preference.
I totally just downloaded all of transmet from piratesbay, I really prefer having the books like I do with my tankys, and my sandmans, and my young liars, but I like it so much that I couldn't wait and cheated xp.
Assuming your hair is still pink I'll bring two extra double ended pink dreadies to put in your hair to show you how to install them. It's pretty much just braiding and some rubber banding xp.
It depends on how thick the dreads are but average is about 60 double ended (or 120 single ended)