[Left to right - Myself, Lyss, John, & Chris. There right in front is my boyfriend Dave.]
I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I would have liked & I spent more money than I would have like, but oh well.
I really had a great time at Otakon! I got the chance to meet Rorschach & _Smurfzilla_ They are both awesome! I had no idea Rorschach was going to be there & he totally surprised me when I just randomly happen to stumble upon his booth. Thanks to him I now have some new reading material and loads of Magic cards to sort through. I can't wait to kick all my friends ass's with an awesome new deck! I'm glad I got to meet them. I don't usually do well with meeting new people and it helped make Otakon better than it had ever been.
Reading time.
I've been spending too much time reading recently. In the past 2-3 weeks I have read:
-FLCL vol. 1 & 2
-Welcome to the NHK vol. 1-4
-Scott Pilgrim vol. 1-6
-Hack/Slash vol. 1
-Transmetropolitan vol. 1-6
& I'm currently reading:
Out of everything I've been reading Transmetropolitan is definitely my favorite! It's freakin' incredible! I'm currently awaiting vol. 5, 6, & 7 in the mail. [Which is supposed to be here tomorrow.] I'm so excited. GOT IT! =DDDDD
My addiction is all thanks to Porphyria! After ordering it for her I decided to check it out myself and I'm so glad I did.
So thanks!
So yeah, that's basically everything I've been spending too much time & money on recently.
PS - Here are 2 songs that have been on my mind a lot lately.
The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket.
Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps
Very unrelated songs, but they just keep sticking in my mind.
Try playing blue and green.
4x Sylvan Ranger
3x Acidic Slime
4x Cudgel Troll
4x Cultivate
2x Primeval Titan
1x Garruk
4x Aether Adept
4x Cancel
4x Aether Tradewind
2x Mind Control
2x Suffer The Past
Blue land
4x Island
2x Soaring Seacliffs
Black land
1x Swamp
Green land
8x Forest
2x Oran Reef
Multi land
1x Drowned Catacombs
4x Misty Rainforest (if you cant get these, sub 2 Island and 2 Forest)
3x Verdant Catacombs (if you cant get these, sub 1 Swamp and 2 Forest)
So you cast a bunch of creatures and destroy some land or artifacts. Use the bounce (Aether Tradewind, Aether Adept) along with Mind Control to remove blockers (use Soaring Seacliffs to jump over blockers also) and swing through. Eventually one of you two will end up with a large graveyard and hopefully your opponent with low life. Don't be afraid to keep attacking even if you lose a small creature like Sylvan Ranger, Acidic Slime or Aether Adept. In a pinch you can also bounce your own creatures that have a "come in to play effect" to reuse that effect. Then at the end, as an Instant, you kill your opponent with Suffer The Past. They will never expect it! Get the guy down to like 8 life and with all the mana ramping you did (Cultivate, Sylvan Ranger, etc) you just take the rest with STP.
Try this
- R
PS - You got mail!
- R